HOPE TOKEN: when can we expect it to be launched? (my personal TIMELINE)

in hive-175254 •  2 years ago  (edited)




Only 3 weeks ago in our previous post titled: "HOPE TOKEN - important question: WHY and WHAT FOR?" we have discussed the general idea behind launching our own community HOPE token. The received feedback has been simply amazing and it seems that the majority of PH members are in support towards this project. Which I'm glad to see.

Since then, I've received a number of questions about the progress with launching a HOPE token and I figured that it's best if I would write a post sharing more details about my own personal timeline, since that timeline will obviously affect the entire process.



I keep replying to everyone that they should not expect a HOPE token to be launched in the nearest future since I'm a bit like a TURTLE. Moving slowly, but steadily in the chosen direction.

I never like to rush. Especially since my goal is to ensure that I will discuss the entire topic with pretty much each one of the active Project.hope members. I'm looking for your feedback on subjects related to HOPE token economics, buy-back and burn process, ideas of bringing utility to the token etc. That process itself is very time consuming.

Also it's worth mentioning that managing PH, curating posts, removing spam from our community and replying to discord messages is already almost like a full-time job.

So things will take time. I will continue my journey like A TURTLE. Babysteps. Without rushing.



Okey, so let's talk about a more specific timeline.

Within the next few weeks, HOPE token will be launched on TRON Network, and I will start rewarding our most active and engaging community members by transferring small amounts to their wallets. However, adding a HOPE token to exchanges (sunswap or Justmoney) will take more time as it seems to be a bit more complicated process than creating the token itself.

It is crucial to mention that I'm planning to take a few weeks holiday to finally celebrate my marriage. As some of you know, I got married not long before the pandemic started, and unfortunately I never had a chance to go on a "honeymoon trip". Until now.

Thailand borders are opening up again and restrictions are slowly being limited. So, by the first week of June I will be heading there for a couple of weeks. And obviously adding any extra work before that trip would be unnecessary and could easily fire back.

So, the timeline is as follow:

  • 1st of June -> I'm heading for a couple of weeks holiday
  • sometime in July/August, HOPE token will be created on TRON blockchain and we will start using it to reward our members based on their level of engagement (comments within community)
  • August/September -> this is when I plan to add HOPE token to exchanges and start the buy-back process

ANY QUESTIONS? (do not resteem)


I would like to hear if anyone has questions regarding this topic.
Do not resteem this post. I will share links directly with all our PH core team members.

Yours, @crypto.piotr
@project.hope founder
check out our community: https://steemit.com/trending/hive-175254

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Greetings buddy 💕❤️

There's a popular saying that "taking it slow and steady wins the race". It's really great you've drafted out your plan and I also love the fact that you've also updated us about the token development. I will advise you just take your time and stich to your plan, we aren't really in a rush for this to be implemented very fast since you are always a man of your words. Lastly, happy honey moon in advance and I hope you enjoy your holiday moon holiday.

Thanks for sharing this great post with love from @hardaeborla and I hope you have a great day ahead with love from @hardaeborla 💕💞

I never heard that saying @hardaeborla :)

Thanks for being always so encouraging buddy

I am really pleased by this feedback, this is a step in the right direction. Anyway, I just can't wait to see how the celebration went. Enjoy your moment

@project.hope slow and steady step take us to the right direction. I am very glad you have taken time out from your busy schedule to inform about the time line of the project.

Now we come understand that it's a long process and will take time. We will stand with you in making this project a great success.

I think it's wonderful that you take time to make your honeymoon trip, that's a priority.

And about working like a "turtle", I believe that the best decisions are made in a calm and unhurried way, so it's very good to work "like the turtles", I also do this sometimes.

Greetings @project.hope, "slow as a turtle" what a good description of the work that must be done in order to execute a project consubstantiated with the feelings of each member of PH.

It seems to me a good timeline that you share with us, since the rush only leaves us tired, so we must sustain on solid foundations the new HOPE token and even more we must ensure that our community has the ability to hold the token so that we can balance the economy of it.

To conclude, I hope you enjoy your trip and your honeymoon with your wife to the fullest. Best regards

I believe these are steady steps in the right direction. I really appreciate the feedback and the detailed timeline of the launch of the HOPE token. It is better to take things slow and achieve the desired result than to make haste and lose the result.

PS: I hope your enjoy your trip and your honeymoon :)

Have a blessed day, buddy

I hope your enjoy your trip and your honeymoon :)

I can only hope so too :)

Hello friend @crypto.piotr, I think it is very good that you take some time to celebrate your marriage and make the honeymoon trip, these aspects are very important and it is better not to let them pass.

And I agree that the best speed is slow but sure, it is better to analyze well all the aspects related to the token and make decisions without haste, we are all anxious but we also want it to be something lasting and that it works.

Hi @crypto.piotr.

A very consulted question lately, but we already have clarity on the steps the project is going to take.

In many occasions, it is better to go at a snail's pace, but taking firm and safe steps, to achieve the goal you want to achieve efficiently and without making mistakes.

Besides not having much time, since managing the whole community is a bit complicated, and requires a lot of time and dedication to be able to do it.

From a personal point of view, I am glad to read that you are finally going to have your honeymoon with your thick, the trip has been delayed a lot for different circumstances but finally arrived which is the important thing.

Thank you very much for the information, greetings @chucho27.

I prefer fast... sry... had to get that out.

Nice to see steady consistent progress.
Awesome. Finally making use of Tron :) How many times did I ask whenTron.

greetings Mr Piotr I have a question, will it be possible to manage it through Binance, or will it be one of those used in MetaMask wallets?

Hi @rubenp

It is not possible for small token to be listed on Binance.

HOPE token will be launched on Tron network (so instead of MetaMask, we will be using TronLink).

First of all very happy friend that you can go on honeymoon, first of all our happiness.

The fact that you are at a snail's pace is good, because what is done slowly is built for sure.

I will wait for the launch of the hope token, for sure it will be a success.

Hi @crypto.piotr
Thank you very much for the information, I'm sure many are asking that question, when is the launch for, the question is clear here.
I hope you can fully enjoy those days of that honeymoon postponed by the pandemic. I'm sure your wife and pet will be happy about that too.
Taking advantage of the time when you can get to know other spaces is a good way to compensate for all the work you do.
Definitely running a community is not easy, but I think it is worth the effort. Creating a new token, listing it somewhere, making it operational, should definitely not be an easy task and it is best to keep the project running on time, without rushing, because it may end up being more complex than expected. And if you go in too much of a hurry, you run the risk of making mistakes.

Hi @crypto.piotr
First of all, I would like to wish you a nice trip with your lovely family. Hopefully, there won't be any crazy lockdowns in the future. I heard China is re-imposing limits in some cities, but I hope Thailand is not going to follow suit...

As for our "Hope" token, I'm really glad to know you're taking your time launching it. No need to rush as long as we plan to stay for the long haul.
I liked the timeline you mentioned in the post and liked the "turtle" analogy. A turtle can beat a rabbit sometimes :)

Best wishes

First of all…congratulations, happy anniversary and honeymoon…Marriage is such an awesome thing.

Plus, it's so awesome that you're distributing the tokens through earnings and rewards…which requires less effort on everybody's part and also it encourages people to participate… I think that's a win-win!

Have fun in Thailand buddy :)

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy - as the saying goes :). I hope you enjoy your honeymoon. Moving slowly like a turtle has it's advantages when it comes to starting or handling complex things. One thing is certain, if you rush in a complex issue, mistakes are usually easily made. Hence, taking it one step at a time with regards to launching the Hope token is the right way to go. Best regards.

hmmm... its good you do it slowly.

It's vital that you do things right and meaningfully.

It will be a good start in exploring the tokenomics of the token first right... how much your going to supply and airdrop percent.

There will be classifications in hope token airdrops right -

People who engage a lot will get so much percentage airdropped, people who moderately engage so much, and people will less engagement so much...

I don't know about the burns, you think its necessary and buy backs make things more complicated.

Won't it suffice to reward engagement...

just thinking.

The burn makes main tokens deflationary, but I rather think its waste of tokens, utilise it and bring it value then burning it.

Then, happy holidays, are you taking your dog along or leaving it safely and be with your wife... its good your getting late honeymoon right because its not hype anymore, marraige bond has lasted and cebrating the 4 years of togetherness now is rather more meaningful...just blabbering(:

Have a meaningful journey!!

Yes, just work on strong tokenomics of project.hope and go slowly... again lets not launch and invest due to hype, it will die out, a later but stable growth of coin is nice as its more sustainable and grows on utility, rather use case.

Sure, it will the hope token do great to grow engagement in the platform for sure!!

Hello friend @crypto.piotr, thank you very much for informing us about the timeline for the launch of the token, when things are done in the right direction and taking care of each step, I don't think it can be considered a slow process, it also seems wonderful that you can take the time to celebrate your honeymoon, they are unforgettable moments that cannot be missed, I hope you enjoy your trip very much.

I'd say, better to be slow like a turtle and achieve your goals, than fast like a cheetah but not reach your target. Do have a lovely honeymoon :) Thanks for sharing.

This is fantastic. Yes, I believe in slow and steady. Rushing things isn't a professional way of handling things. I so much believe things would work out well. I will reach out to you on discord to discuss some ideas I have concerning the use case, burning, and more. Thanks for the smart work you are doing.

And congratulations on your wedding. It's quite amazing that you are going on your honeymoon. Take your time and enjoy yourself. I wish you and your family well. One love.

I have gone through the post and I think that its ok if its taking time because reason behind the token is solid and there is no need to hurry.

I'm planning to take a few weeks holiday to finally celebrate my marriage

Yes please and have some time your family and start on the project once you feel like. thanks for the update

Hik @crypto.piotr
First of all, thanks for sharing this update and I am glad to see that things are moving forward with the launch of the HOPE token.
I would say, take your time and we all know that slow and steady wins the race. There is not late because the token economy is different and now like what normal tokens expect from the market. Have a nice day

Well, The timeline attached makes it even more achievable as i have realised that attaching a timeline to goals and objectives makes them more easily achievable

Launching a token is more complicated than many like to imagine. So moving slowly like a turtle may be the right approach. Congratulations on your marriage, and I hope you have a splendid honeymoon.

Hello friend, it is very important to move towards the path that we believe indicated despite going very slow, and it is also necessary that you can enjoy your honeymoon and take those two weeks for it, I will wait patiently every step of the schedule indicated, greetings and you can enjoy your well-deserved vacation.

Man, you are indeed intelligent, this answers my curiosity. Thanks for sharing.

Its like your honeymoon trips will fall at almost the same period after my wedding 😊

Have a blessed one👍

Very interesting update here, slow but steady wins the race eventually am glad with the recent developments so far project hope token will be a game changer for community development thanks for keeping members updated with the current development.

Do have a great time with your lovely wife cheers.

Hi @project.hope Thank you for the message, the time you need, no doubt doing things right takes time, personally I am glad you take a well deserved vacation especially if it is a honeymoon, rest, enjoy, I am sure that upon your return you will think better and that those days will be very happy for you, I wish you good health and inner peace, please give a kiss to "Happy" your cute pet, thank you for taking into account our opinions, much success.

The timeline you shared is not slow at all. Enjoy your honeymoon buddy.

Hello friend, interesting your projection, I think it is understandable, it is better to work slowly but surely, making hasty decisions does not leave anything good and even more when we talk about long term projects. On the other hand, you have to enjoy your family too. Best regards.

I like that the process is so transparent and that there is a feedback about how it is going! I do not see the rush as all good things take time :)
I always liek the approach of doing it right the first time rather than change stuff several times.

I hope you enjoy your trip and wish you all the best! :)

Congratulations to you @crypto.piotr on your marriage. Your decision to take out time to go on an holiday is a necessary one. The Hope token is a great initiative, and it will definitely come to fruition.

Its great to hear that you are finally thinking of a honeymoon 😉😁. Am glad to hear about the hope token for I don't have any question to ask. Have a wonderful day ahead.

For me, there's no need to rush. Better slow and successful than quick and disastrous. Cryptocurrency is a dicey venture and nothing is certain. During the time before the release, there are a couple more community feedback that might help.

Thank you for the information of Hope token launch. With its launch on TRON network, it will gradually move towards path of success.
Meanwhile, please enjoy your honeymoon trip.

Greetings @crypto.piotr
Quote by Will Smith “You don’t try to build a wall on day one, You place every brick as perfectly as possible”. This was the quote that first came to my mind when you mentioned you working like a turtle. The timeline isn’t slow .......its good to take time and consistently work on all aspects of the token.
Also, have an wonderful honeymoon and thnx for constantly keeping us updated with the progress with the hope token :^)

hi @the-prithvi

Quoting Will Smith may not be the best option now. He isn't very popular lately, isn't he? :)

Dang totally forgot about that >.<

Greetings @crypto.piotr,

1st of June -> I'm heading for a couple of weeks holiday
sometime in July/August, HOPE token will be created on TRON blockchain and we will start using it to reward our members based on their level of engagement (comments within community)
August/September -> this is when I plan to add HOPE token to exchanges and start the buy-back process

This timeline Seems perfect to me, no need for changes,

I know you and many of our community know that i have not been much active lately since last week as I have told you because of some problems, but soon I will come back hopefully from next Monday onwards,

I really liked your idea about doing work slowly, We all know the story of the rabbit and turtle how the turtle won the race just by walking slowly but steadily,

Working slowly and steadily will definitely affect th ework in a positive way the quality and efficiency of the work will increase which you are already doing it (by doing work slowly)

Excellent read, Thank you so much for sharing : )


i have not been much active lately since last week as I have told you because of some problems, but soon I will come back hopefully from next Monday onwards,

Hopefully you will manage to resolve your issues @winy

Fingers crossed :)


We all know the story of the rabbit and turtle how the turtle won the race just by walking slowly but steadily,

I actually do not know this story ... shall you share it with me? :)

  ·  2 years ago (edited)

Greetings @crypto.piotr,

I actually do not know this story ... shall you share it with me? :)

You can read the whole story of rabbit and tortoise here


Do check it out, I hope you would like it

Thank you so much for your response : )

Dear @crypto.piotr
SLOW LIKE A TURTLE => I would rather read it as Slow and Steady wins the race :)
So far it looks good
You rightly said developing the token is rather the easy part the listing and other part would need more effort an time for sure.
So together we shall go far and take the token with us to every corner of the world and ctypto universe

Greetings friend @crypto.piotr, in particular I am clear with the timelines that you have drawn for the launch of the HOPE token, things have to be done very well and that takes time, I know that many users want everything to go a little faster but as we say here in Venezuela the "rush only remains the fatigue", success my friend and in advance a happy honeymoon trip.

My great-grandmother used to say a very popular phrase around here "Slowly but surely" the important thing is that you already have your schedule done and that sounds excellent. The honeymoon is important and it is a good decision to enjoy it, not everything in life should be work, there should be time for everything.

Greetings, Piotr and the whole community. I am very excited that this token is being developed, whether I can acquire them or not, this kind of projects is always good news because it means that the community is active and committed and I know that this token will be an important step to consolidate us.

I applaud everything that comes and count on me to contribute in any way I can.

I believe congratulations are in order for your marriage. And I hope you really have a fantastic time in your honeymoon. Taking it slow and steady is a good idea, launching a token isn't a walk in the park.

greetings @project.hope ,
It is very important to know how the progress of the HOPE token project is going, no doubt that doing things calmly and step by step towards the right direction is the best way to make the right decisions.

I hope you have a great time on your honeymoon, enjoy a lot and I'm sure it will serve to come with much more encouragement and new ideas for the community.

I am in favour of the fact that the objectives must be carried out with a great deal of patience. If the launch of the token is delayed a bit, it does not matter, as long as everything goes well the time invested will be worth it.

You also have to take into account your life and personal activities, after all you are also human and need to rest sometimes. I congratulate you on your marriage, I hope your union will endure beyond any difficulty and you can enjoy your new life fully.

Happy day, thank you for making this statement and keeping us updated.

#affable #venezuela

Thanks for dropping by @leonelb and for your supportive comment :)

Greetings Piotr!

Actually it's probably everyone is excited for the launch of Hope token and that's maybe the reason you've been getting asked about it a lot lately.

It's okay even if progressing slowly, it's progressing after all and that actually gives time to make sure every step goes well.

Make sure to enjoy your upcoming holiday when it's there and we will be looking forward for the future plans regarding Hope token and anything about PH.

Thanks for sharing!

Hello dear friend @crypto.piotr, no doubt this route that you share with us for the creation of the token reflects that the creation and implementation of the token will be in the medium term. I agree with you that things need time, from haste only remains fatigue, it is good to have everything previously planned and organized.

On the other hand, I hope you have a great trip and enjoy your honeymoon, see you later, have a great week.

thanks for the information, the important things in life are built one step at a time, that's why it is always advisable to take the time to develop things. hope you can enjoy your trip now that the virus restrictions are few.

we know that having the responsibility of managing a community, is something that generates a lot of work, on the other hand I hope to see the tokens working soon, it is a great advance and a great pride for our community.

Hi dear friend @crypto.piotr

I think that in no project success is guaranteed , it is a matter of trying .

I think the wright brothers dreamed of flying and that dream came true with the first airplane.

We must dream, we must try the projects, so that they materialize and we will do it with all our effort and love and success will come.

The timeline seemed wonderful to me, with enough time to think and plan.

I hope you take happy dog ​​to the honeymoon and I hope you share with us photos of that beautiful trip.

God bless you

@tipu curate 3

This is the greatest news I am hearing today and am most excited that the HOPE TOKEN is alive.

It could take all the time in the world personally I don't mind. If slow and steady is what wins the race then you can go as slow as you want but just know I am excited for this and you have my back.