a lot of people; now are moving towards the Metaverse where everything seems pretty much simpler and accessible to all.
We've seen many well-known podcasters and tv hosts and even authors digitilizing their activities. whereas, they tend to be much of online activists rather than sticking to the physical world with a fixed set of thinking following old behavioral patterns that ain't working as efficiently as they were before.
we've seen so far 2 aspects of an uprising metaverse open portal :
- the offset employment :
as a wide and vast collective experiment of working from a distance during the pandemic. employers are now implementing this online culture to their employees and passing it in their turn to others, such as their kids and relatives
bosses and business owners all over the world, even after the partial loss of the covid grab are trying to reorganize tasks and duties according to what can and cannot be done remotely. ultimately reducing the necessity of physical presence in the office.
- the e-learning :
now, since the parents have tried it. it's time to pass it on now and talk about their unique experience with others.
since the new generation is pretty much used to technology and its usefulness. it won't be hard for a child to adapt to an already lived-out culture.
We've seen costless transportation-free and accommodation-free solutions throughout the internet.
even free integration with the best programs available.
among the first implementations of free-education was SaylorAcademy
being a non-profitable organization with a variety of topics and subjects to study from.
it could even grand you a spot in Kansas university!
Check-out their Bitcoin for everybody Course
I've enrolled myself to get a free certificate when passing the exam!