Does the proper management of children's education become the great challenge in this modern age?steemCreated with Sketch.

in hive-175254 •  2 years ago 



Greetings again my dear friends I hope you are all very well, one of our main tasks in life is to structure our own family, every human being comes from belonging to one, and it is logical to continue with this cycle, in the family the main and necessary values for life are instilled, for the healthy coexistence in the societies of the world, and all this is related to the proper management of the education of our beloved children.

I think that in relation to the previously expressed nobody could disagree, however, each family has a couple of people who have the responsibility to guide this whole family nucleus, we are talking about the parents, nowadays we can say that the behavior of the children is proportional to their education, and education plays a vital role among human beings every day, because through the educational field either from the classroom or in our homes, people must understand each other, and also safeguard all the space-time that surrounds them.

We know how the simple coexistence of couples is complex, now add to this coexistence the responsibility of raising children, and most importantly, knowing how to manage their education, the upbringing of our children is intrinsically linked to the type of education that we provide as parents, and this usually causes crises between couples, especially when we do not know how to manage them or at least do not work together, disagreements can be very negative aspects at the time of managing the proper education of our children, however, from these disagreements we can learn a lot and move forward.

As parents, we play our role in every family, which will impact both positively and negatively on the well-being and psychological development of our children. Therefore, it is important to take into account the following aspects that may develop in the family environment.

  • Competing for the affection of the children, I do not know if this aspect can occur consciously or unconsciously, the truth is that it happens very often, and we see the development of a dynamic of jealousy between parents, jealousy is not only developed by infidelity between partners, this feeling has cavity in any family aspect, such as competing for the affection of the children, for example, in many occasions one of the parents passes the responsibility to the other for the application of the rules or punishments, this usually makes him look like the villain of the family movie.

While the other part of the couple begins to win the affection of the children by being more understanding and consoling at the time of the imposed punishment, the important thing is to establish parity in this type of responsibility and make the children understand that when rules are established it is with the purpose of providing them with an adequate family education, family respect is essential for an adequate interaction between the members of a family and whoever violates this principle will be crossing the thin line of the family emotional balance.

  • The mistrust between the couple for the protection and welfare of the children, as expressed above this is not an isolated fact and that only concerns one of the partners, maybe there are parents who do not realize that certain actions that they let their children perform can put them in danger, however, is something that is discussed behind closed doors between the couple, this is a very common issue in the style of parenting, where one parent develops a fear of inadequate parenting and education measures by the other party.

It is important that allowing children to do everything does not mean that we want it, it is the opposite, we are opening the door to an unknown dimension for them, where they believe that there are no rules and much less limits, always the best way is the balance where parental supervision should never be missing, the direct dialogue foreseeing cause and effects of the actions of their children.

  • Different perspectives of raising children, undoubtedly this type of aspect can occur very often, remember that we married a person who was raised and educated under certain particular schemes provided by their parents, although as adults we who were children are now parents and we can discern between our style of upbringing and education received and the one we want for our children, since it must be adapted to the present reality.

Both members of the parental couple must be very aware of their role, and beyond their parenting style, they must converge in the style of upbringing and education for their children, perhaps they may disagree on some aspects, however, there is something we call results, and these can guide us as parents to correct some features of our parenting style, no one has the perfect formula for the proper management of the upbringing and education of our children, but it is our duty to be attentive to improve it if necessary.

Until another opportunity my dear friends.

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Great post! I completely agree that proper management of children's education can be a challenge in this modern age. In fact, I have seen this firsthand with some of my friends who are parents. Balancing work, personal life, and parenting can be overwhelming, and it can be easy to let certain aspects of education fall to the wayside.

Hello, it is very true what you have expressed, thank you for your words. Greetings.