Covid-19 Second wave is getting even worse now

in hive-175254 •  3 years ago 

Hello and Namaste Everyone

It's high time that we must understand that covid is getting worse these days in India you are in a country where the situation is the same or even fired then I think we should not take it for granted.



This second wave of covid 19 spread has been highly dangerous. these days in India every day more than 200k cases are coming up and there is something very serious issue and alarming that we need to take utmost care of ourselves as well as the people who are around us. Even in my apartment, more than 50 people are found covid positive and the situation is very bad here. people at school are scared to get infected by covid and because of that, they have stopped going outside unless it is really necessary.

> The current high positivity rate reinforces the possibility that the virus has spread at a much faster rate during the last couple of months, and infected many more people compared to last year. During the first wave, the positivity rate had peaked in the last week of July last year, and it steadily declined after that even when the positive cases continued to rise in August and September.



Experts are saying that this way will continue for next couple of months and until July it is going to be similar so it's the best way to keep ourselves home as much as possible because of this. Is going to be almost three months’ time. Vaccination he's already going on at full pace and the government has made it available for everyone above 45 years. Vaccination is a way to make us more immune and this process takes 42 days of time. one has to take 2 doors of vaccines to get the complete dose within the cycle of 42 days.

Hopefully, the government will make some arrangements so that age criteria will be reduced in the coming weeks or months time then many more people will be able to get the vaccination and we can hope for a better life thereafter. but please do not expect any miracle to happen over the night because this process is going to take quite longer. We are expected to follow the precautions for the best of our safety and health.

I have got myself covid tested today and waiting for the result which will come after two days operated three days’ time because these days lot of rush is there. I am keeping my fingers crossed and hoping that things will not be positive and my result will be negative so that I can expect a better life otherwise next 2-3 weeks are going to be worst and I don't know how I'll be managing these things because this is something related to the family.

So guys please don't take it lightly and do whatever is best for your health and safety and follow proper social distancing from the people and avoid going to crowded places.

Thank you.
Stay Safe

Namaste from India

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This is quite disturbing, I thought vaccine was being given already?

And you probably think the vax was actually going to protect people from it.

You’ve been punked.

Ok. But of all these people, how many are asymptomatic?

Are people actually dying left, right and center, or would you even know if they weren’t testing?

How many are actually in critical condition? Of those, how many had preexisting conditions? What are their vitamin D levels?

And meanwhile, did your people forget the fucking horror story of what happened with your country’s polio vaccination program when the disease mutated from the vaccinated and ended up paralyzing half a million people - while of the top vaccine experts in the world have been warning of the same thing (but worse) happening this time around again?

Or shall we just continue regurgitating the surface-level story aggressively pushed in propaganda outlets without asking more questions to assess such details required for seeing a clearer picture of the actual scenario?



Hello friend, the truth is that covid is still present in many places, here in Colombia we are in the third wave and the truth is that the situation is critical, every day there are more infected and intensive care beds are not enough with the collapse we have. The only thing we can do is to take care of ourselves every day. Greetings.

what are you trying to show through this link ?








why are you putting so much effort into this.. What do you want from me?

A) contributing balanced perspectives to this community in a critically important discussion. (it's really not that much energy, and well-worth the seeds planted.)

B) nothing.

people just.. don't want to get it no matter how you tried if they still want to believe otherwise....

sadly, it seems you're correct.

however, there are still times when/where one must speak truths, even if the ears are not open to hearing it. even if it seems the soil is not fertile, you never know if one single seed might slip through the cracks and sprout in due time...

that's a noble mission, may the force of the highest powers be with you.