Beautiful on the Inside: Beauty of Character

in hive-175254 •  3 years ago 

Sometimes, humans are moved to judge people by their outwards beauty because that is the first point of call and it is the aspect of people's lives that many tend to pay more attention to. However, there is an aspect that speaks more volume than the outward beauty and that is the person's real personality - their inward beauty: character and attitude. It is weird to see people work on becoming better on the outside but they tend to overlook what counts most: the character.


Image from Pixabay

The truth is that whatever you see on the outside (in terms of beauty, etc) is temporary and short-lived. When all those things are gone, what will stick around is the real person. Trust me, the outward beauty can only take you through a limited number of doors but for your sustenance, you will need much more than that (which is character). You will agree with me that when you begin to stay with someone of a good attitude and character, they will tend to become more beautiful with time. This is just a way of your mind welcoming them.

If I may ask you, will you prefer to be with someone that is only beautiful on the outside but has nothing to offer in terms of good character and attitude, or will you rather be with someone that is beautiful on the Inside both in character and attitude? You see, at this point, you will understand that there are many things that are prioritized in life than being appealing on the outside. Trust me, the world is already very cruel that people will not be willing to welcome another level of cruelty, so work on your character. If people will put in the same energy they put into their physical looks on their character, they will become better daily.

Most times, people tend to ask this question: "hey, how do I look?" and they will be glad to hear "you look beautiful", but they have not taken time to ask of their character. No matter how beautiful on the outside you may be, a toxic character will erode it in the eyes of other. Even in relationships, many people are only interested in appearing appealing to their partners just to draw their attention, but they tend to forget the only thing that can retain their attention - good character (inner beauty).

It is worthy to note that everyone is created beautiful on the inside but the responsibility lies on you to give expression to it. The person that is seen as having a good character is not created differently from you, it is only a choice that they had to make and they were able to consolidate on their inner beauty. You should not see your crooked attitude as that you are being "real". There is nothing real about being rude, so work on yourself. Even the person that is very good also has a not-so-welcomed side but he has managed to put it to bay while consolidating on their good side. You too can do that.


Image from Pixabay

If you value people, you will know how to relate with them with a good character. It is largely because of the fact that people place less value on each other that they can unleash cruel attitude on them. Many people think that they are being "classy" by being rude. Well, just to tell you, there is nothing good about rudeness and no one is impressed by your bad character, so work on yourself.

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all

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Beauty will attract people to us but it is our character that will determine who stays. In any chance we all have let try and work on our character that is what will stays with us for a long time. working on beauty is good but this beauty is temporary it will feald off no matter how we keep it.

That's right. The character will determine who stays and not the beauty.
Thanks for coming around

  ·  3 years ago (edited)

Hello @samminator, we place so much importance and value on physical appearance because it is the first thing that attracts us to a person but the sustainability of a relationship is highly dependent on inner beauty or character.

People loose valuable relationships simply because of terrible characters.

Execelente reflexión, es importante que los seres humanos dejemos de ser tan duros con nosotros mismos, debemos empezar a conocernos por lo que está dentro de nosotros porque de ser así seríamos más unidos porque realmente somos diferentes pero siempre hay algo en común. Saludos @mileidys1234