Change: Pathway To Growth, Enlightenment, And Development

in hive-175254 •  last year 

One of the proofs of our existence is embedded in change. That is, the world is not just dynamic but we ourselves are also dynamic. Yes, one of the constants known to humankind is change. As long as life is sustained and as humans still exist, then change is inevitable. Of course, no one can stop change from happening, you can only determine how you will respond or react to change. As much as change is inevitable, it is arguably one of the aspects of life that is heavily challenged and resisted. Of course, humans have the tendency of resisting what they have never experienced. But if you will learn to welcome and respond to changes favourably, you will discover that they are powerful tools if wielded correctly.


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More often than not, it may not be what is happening that may determine the course of your life but how you respond to it. The same thing may happen to different people at the same time and their response to it will differ and will determine the outcome of their life. I remember many years ago when commercial motorcycle was banned within the metropolis of the state I stayed; it was a major change by the state government. A lot of commercial motorcyclists went out of business and were complaining of how difficult that change was.

More so, a lot of people needed a faster means to get to their destination because they were already used to the motorcycle. However, the closest to that option was the tricycle (what we call "keke" in this part of the world). While many of the former motorcycle riders went into commercial tricycle riding, others kept complaining about the government's ban on motorcycle. Of course, those who switched over to keke already started making their money while the others were stuck at complaining. You see; same change, but different response and as such, different result. Others got positive results from the change because of their positive response to it, while others did not.

For every change that happens, there are always two sides to it, but the responsibility lies on your shoulders to determine the side to tilt on. If you see a change as positive, you will have positive bias about it and you will also respond positively to it and at the end, it will yield positive results. The opposite happens when you see changes as negative. The truth is that how you respond to a situation holds a far more importance than the nature of the situation. It is worthy to note that there is neither a bad change nor a good change, you only have a good or bad response to change. Even what others may see as completely bad, there is how you will respond to it and you will see positivities in it.

The ability of humans to welcome and adapt favourably to change is part of what make us humans, and it also explains our evolution and adaptation. Throughout history, the people that have made huge impact and taken giant strides did so in response to an already existing change or to create their own change. Of course, most of what you see as change are caused by the actions or inactions of humans. That is; it is either you are conformed to the results of other people's actions or you take your own actions to create the kind of result that you desire. When you do not like how a particular thing is going or the turn of events, then it is left for you to undertake an action to change it to your desire.


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One thing to always know is that something will remain undone until actions are taken to do it. On the same hand, something will continue happening until actions are taken to step it. So your actions either bring about a change or stop a particular trend. But in any case, change is an inevitable part of life. You either welcome it and position yourself to respond positively to it, or you become a victim of it, but you cannot stop change. I will conclude with this particular statement that I once heard from one of my close buddies:

Only attempt to change what is possible to be changed. In a case where those things are impossible to be changed, then accept them. But most importantly, learn to know the difference between the both of them.

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all

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Very true. It's the way people respond to changes that ends up producing the results they get in their lives. A positive outlook on change is the best way to go. You must learn to adapt quickly. Nice read.

That's right. How we respond to change matters a lot.

Thanks for coming around buddy.