Financial Necessity: Having More Than One Source Of Income

in hive-175254 •  10 months ago 

A lot of people may not know this but the world, including financial world, is full of uncertainties and is ever-evolving. As a result of this, financial demands keep increasing, while also exposing one to new levels of financial risks, and a time may come when having just one source of income may not be enough to live the desired life. This is why it is always necessary to have other sources that can bring in finances to you. I mean, it is a risk itself to be entirely dependent on just one source in a world that is ladened with uncertainties and eventualities. So have more sources of income that will come as backup to you.


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The idea behind having more than one, or multiple sources of income, is for the same reason that they say that "you are not supposed to lay your entire eggs inside a single basket." Have you ever considered the fact that risks can be greatly minimized by having other sources of income? Of course, by diversifying your investments, you will have what to fall back on incase one of the sources becomes challenged. More so, there is also a kind of relaxation that comes to the mind when you know that your investments are distributed to other businesses and not just one. The peace of mind is without question, and it also make you calmer and less apprehensive.

I normally cite the case of my friend when I tell people about the benefits of having multiple sources of income. Before the lockdown period of the Covid time, he started producing hand sanitizers and other health-related products, alongside his main job. People did not understand why he would go into that line of business that did not have much market at that time. Well, he was not discouraged by their words, so he continued. A few months later, the covid lockdown struck and it was like the whole world was on standstill. A lot of businesses got closed down and incomes were affected, especially the ones that are not among the essential commodities or the ones that involved heavy human contacts - so as to limit human contact and the likelihood of spreading the virus.

His primary source of income was also affected by the closure of businesses caused by the lockdown, but his other source of income (production of hand sanitizers) came through for him. In fact, that singular source became so big because of the demand of such products during the covid era. He made so much that he did not feel the impact of the closure of his other business. He even had excesses to reinvest and made more money. Imagine if he had not started another business or if he had depended solely on one, by the time the event struck, he would have been heavily devastated. This goes to prove that in life, almost nothing is certain. So you have to make plans and prepare for the eventualities.

Apart from the fact that you limit risks by diversifying your investments/business, you also make more income from them. At this point in time, financial responsibilities have been seen to increase. And demands are already getting higher, so depending on just one financial source may impede your purchasing power. I remember a funny but true statement that a friend once made, he said; "if your income is little, there is no way to budget and cut down on expenses that will be enough, you just need more sources of income to solve the problem." The solution to the problem of money is more money, and this can come by investment diversification.


Image from Pexels

Another benefit of diversifying your investment/business is that it enables you to grow and develop yourself. Doing one thing over and again has a way of stagnating your advancement. But if you take up other tasks, you will meet new challenges, and you will grow with them. There is a level of growth you experience when you take a new investment opportunity. Take for instance, how well did you know about crypto until you joined blockchain blogging? Now you have gained extensive knowledge about it and even grown in it. This was as a result of the fact that taking up other sources of income makes a way to learn and grow.

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all

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The need for an extra income source cannot be overemphasized, indeed we live in times of financial uncertainties and anything could go wrong at anytime. So, we need to be prepared for it.

Well said. To brace up for financial uncertainties, having extra sources of income is necessary.

Thanks dear Bimbo.

There is nothing as sweet as having your second income stream come through for you when the first one disappoints, it is always a pleasurable experience. I am a big fan of having multiple streams of income, because it is usually difficult to tell which one will disappoint until it happens.

That's right. To have something to fall back on; the feeling is divine.

Thanks for coming around buddy.