Unlocking Your Success With The Key Of Perseverance

in hive-175254 •  last year 

A story was told of a young boy that wanted to climb a particular hill beside their house but everytime, he would slide halfway, fall off, and the trend kept repeating. He tried a lot of times, but each time, he noticed that he would go higher before sliding. The pattern continued until the fateful day, he finally made it to the summit of the hill and he felt so happy about the feat. When he came down and was narrating his experiment with his parents, they asked why he failed so many times in his attempts to climb the hill. The little boy smiled and told his parents that he did not fail all those times, he only discovered the routes which you should not climb the hill through. This is perseverance.


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One may ask what perseverance is all about. Simply put, it is the commitment to one's goals irrespective of the prevailing circumstances, so as to achieve success. It is the zeal that keeps you going when every other thing is trying to discourage you. It is the force that drives you towards what you want to achieve and putting up a challenge against the oppositions that would want to stop you from achieving it. From these definitions, you will be able to deduce that in the path to the achieving of your goals, there are bound to be challenges and obstacles, but it should not stop you from achieving it.

When you set up your mind to achieve something, the forces of the universe will back you up. This is why I believe that there is almost nothing impossible for someone to achieve who has made up their mind to achieve that particular thing. The truth is that life will not present you with a rosy bed and will not deliver what you want on a platter. If you want to achieve something, then you must work it out yourself and pay the required price. Of course, no matter how you look at life, it is a battleground, not a place of funfair. Life will only deliver what you have demanded for, not what you think you deserve.

I am sure a lot of us know the popular story of the world renowned physicist of the ancient times; Thomas Edison, who has been attributed to the discovery and invention of the light bulb. However, a very interesting thing happened during his attempt to invent it. He tried so many times in the tune of over hundreds of times, which should normally have made anyone discouraged and frustrated, but his case was not like that. He persevered and continued in his attempts without counting the failed attempts as failures. After so many failed attempts, spanning a very long time, not putting into consideration how much materials he had wasted, he finally made his success and invented the light bulb. When he was asked about his failures, he simply replied that "they were not failures but discoveries of how not to make it work."


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One of the fundamental parts of resilience that should be considered apart from continuing in the presence of challenges is how to rise up from failure. More often than not, the people that finally succeeds in life do not do so from the beginning - they may have suffered failure at some points, but they got up from the failure and retook the steps. Take this instance: the person that invented the KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken) in the person of Colonel Harland Sanders suffered ones of the most brutal failures in his life, but he never gave up, and he continued trying. At his old age, he succeeded and created the KFC. If he had given up after the first failure, he would have missed out of life.

Without perseverance, success may become a mirage. There are times that you may not hit your target at the first shot, so you will need a couple more shots, so keep trying. There may come to a point when you will feel like you want to give up or quit, at that point, just remember why you started in the first place, then remember what you want to achieve and where you are going; this should give you the zeal to continue. Failure is never an option. It is either success or nothing. I conclude with this statement from one of my mentors:

If you refuse to give up even in the face of failure, failure will get tired of you.

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all

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You're very correct there. Most of the successful people you see, have failed more times than you can imagine, before they learned how to make it all work harmoniously, and become successful. Interesting read.

That's right. Failing does not mean the person will not eventually succeed.

Thanks buddy.