Your Talent Matters In The Right Location

in hive-175254 •  3 years ago 

Most times, what is holding people down from maximising their full potentials is their location. No matter how much talent you have, it will make more sense when you are in the right location. The reason the fish has gills is because it is adapted to breathing under water. If it comes to the ground, the gills will be absolutely useless. You see, the usefulness of your talent is dependent on your location. Being in a right location will already give you an edge to maximise your true potentials.


Image from Pixabay

A story was told of little camel that was asking its father the reason for the hump in their backs. The father camel looked at him and told him that the hump enables them to store up large quantity of water for the journey through the desert. The little camel them turned again to the father and asked what the dense eyebrows were for. Again, the father told him that they use it to prevent the sand in the desert from entering their eyes.

At this point, the little camel was trying to process the information that the father has given to him. Then he went further to ask why their legs are shaped the way they are. Again, the father replied that the legs are well suited for journey through the desert. Now the little camel got confused and asked the father this: "if all these features are for the desert, then why are we in the zoo?" At that point, it dawned on the father that all the feature they have are not being maximised because they are in a wrong location.

Similarly, when you are not where you are designed to be, you may not fully achieve what you are created to. There are some renowned name in football who have made so much fame; like Messi and Ronaldo. It is well agreed that they have unparalleled talents, but they are in their own right location, so it will not be difficult to maximise their talents. Imagine what will happen if either of them decides to go into high jump or long jump, that may be the end of the person's fame in the athletic world.

Before you try to question your performance, try to find out if you are in the right location or not. It is true that "a lizard in wrong location will not turn into an alligator in a right location." However, the lizard can grow into a giant lizard without having to become an alligator. In the same way, your bigness is almost dependent on your location and your environment.

Farmers will agree with me that when planting, the choice of seed is not the only thing that matters but the planting location. Rice for example, does well in a swampy place. If you plant it in a desert-like environment, you may end up with a poor yield even though the rice seed may be genetically enhanced. Being in a right location at the right time will give maximum expression to your talents. The truth is; whatever you do, always seek to be in the right place at the right time.

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Image from Pixabay

Some people that are considered lucky are only taking advantage of the benefits of being in the right place. Even in business, before you go ahead to establish or execute your business ideas, always try to answer the question of "where". It does not stop at having a brilliant business acumen and ideas, you should put location into considerations too. Situating a right business in a wrong location can ultimately crash the business even before it starts.

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all

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Hello @samminator!
Very good story that you present to us. It is not only enough to have the talent or knowledge but also to find the right place where you can develop it and be valued otherwise you will not use the tools and gifts you have to advance and achieve your goals. Thanks for sharing, greetings!

Using the talent in the right location will bring more benefits.
Thanks for coming around buddy

Beautifully written buddy..... How can a preacher go to the clubhouse to preach? He might be beaten up if care isn't taken. Doing what is right in the right place is important part of marking success.

I love the example you gave. Obviously, the right thing must be done in the right place for it to yield positive result.

Thanks for the comment buddy

hello @samminator,
The Talents are important because we all have talent for something in life, I believe that just like plants, people need certain characteristics to develop their full potential, an inventor or an entrepreneur will be much more successful in a country with freedoms than in a socialist or communist country, there is no doubt that when we want to take advantage of our talents, the conditions of that place are fundamental.

Greetings @samminator,

Excellent example, You have explained it with the best possible example,



Nicely said. What you know is not as important as how and where you apply it.
Thanks a lot buddy

Very well said. One thing that I always strongly believe is that it's not always enough to have talent or even to be using them but the big question is are you using your talent in the location needed to be used

That's right. We should always find the right location to give expression to our talents.

Thanks buddy

Hi @samminator.
No doubt being in the right place is paramount to your future and performance in any area of your life.
As you yourself mentioned it is not the same to plant a bunch of grapes in a warm land than in a cold land, this is because they are native to the cold so they must be harvested in this environment.
What good is it to be an excellent manager and be playing a role totally opposite to it. Your writing is very good.

Greetings friend, very good analogies you have used to explain why talent alone is not enough, location is very important, especially in business, it is not the same to be located in a busy street than in a very secluded place, and for people it is the same, a person with a specific talent in a different activity will only be frustrated by not getting results.

Greetings dear @samminator, I think it is an excellent publication, which makes us stop for a moment to think and analyze if we are in the right place, I agree with you, I think we all have talent in different areas and of course as you mention it will be well valued in the right place. I believe that the leader of a company must diagnose the skills of its employees and from there know the strengths of each of them and therefore can place them to work in the right place.

See you later brother, have a great start of the week.

Hello Samminator, I agree completely with you on this subject. I know about a lady who had created a classy and luxurious business in a local region and the rest of the story is a sad one. A good location has a significant impact on the failure or success of any individual or brand.

One of my first business mistake I made was an error with location, I did not study the location of the business area, I thought my skill was going to be enough. However, my skill failed me because a good location means a lot.

I loved your story and I totally agree that many times it will happen that being in the wrong place will make us think that we are failures or that we don't have the right capabilities to get ahead when in reality it is not about that but about our location. Something I learned a long time ago is that in the wrong place you will never be valued, each one of us has capabilities and potential that can be used to the fullest as long as we are in the place where we are motivated to do so. Today your post has made me remember many people that today are great characters of the history of humanity and that lived in a place and time where they were not valued or where their ideas were too advanced to be understood in that historical moment as for example Nicolas Corpernicus or Picasso as well as many others.