A change of perspective

in hive-175254 •  5 years ago 

Not long ago, after the recommendation from one of my friends, I read a really interesting book that inspired me to write this article.

I want to write about what it taught me because it helped me a lot to see things differently and only to read it helped me through a lot of different situations that kept me from developing and making changes in my own personal life.

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Photos from Pixabay

I would like to share some of these experiences I have recently had. These are some advice from me that genuinely helped me guide in my own life. I hope it can help you too and that you can use some of the ideas.

We all want to achieve success

In our whole life, we want to achieve success, we want to be loved, we want to have friends, we want to have a good and loving family, we want to be confident, we want a stable, but at the same time well-paying job. We want the best for ourselves, but the best would be if we could reach these goals with a minimum of work and effort.

The biggest question is always: How to reach these achievements and desires?! What do I have to do to reach my goals in my life? How do I start? How could I change in order to accomplish my wishes and what can I change in my own life that brings me closer to my final aim?

In life, nothing is really black or white and that's why I found it extremely hard to find a method to cope with the problems that everybody faces in their lives.

The book that I read, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Dr. Stephen R. Covey, deals with these questions. In the book, I read and learned how to change myself for the better, how I could use all the potentials that hide in myself, and how to bring them to the surface, but of course, there is still a lot more to learn and read.

The importance of perspective

One of the most important things that I learned is that it is really important where you have your perspective in your own life. But, what is exactly perspective? What does it mean?

Perspective means a point of view, it is the attitude towards things, the point of view you look at the things around you, the things that happen with you or with the others, the way you approach the situations or human interactions. Everybody has their own perspective and everybody thinks that only his perspective is true, but we should not forget that everybody sees the world a little bit differently and it all comes down how you grew up, how your family raised you, the experiences you made and a lot of other factors have an influence on it too.

What is your perspective? - Pixabay

So why would you want to change that? Why would you want to see the world differently?

The answer for me is simple, I want to see and experience the world the way the others around me see it, to make my own life more simple.

Once I learn how to do that, I will be able to understand more how others feel and why they act and communicate the way they do. I think it is important in all the human interactions that we try to understand each other, starting with your personal love life to the relationship with your boss and with your colleagues.

When we want to achieve something in life we have to know exactly what it is what we want. Without knowing what you truly desire it is impossible to get to your dream, so it is important to know it for sure and when you know, you can start working on the way to get to it. Maybe you feel like that it is a huge problem that you do not know how to overcome, you only see the problem from one point of you, but what really important is that you realize that you are able to change the way you look at your worry and start looking at it as an opportunity to grow and to get closer to your final goal.

Do not let your fear define who you really are. Think through what you really want and try to look at it differently and what most important is, start doing it! Do not wait for the others, your mom, your dad, and your friends and relatives to solve the problems for you when you want something you have to do it yourself.

Getting out of comfort zone

I know that it is a common problem and I know that it is hard to start doing things that are really out of your comfort zone but you have to look at this difficulty another way, you have to look at yourself another way. Try to get away from your fear and see it objectively how you are, what your worth is, and never forget that you are not the only one struggling with these feelings. Do not wait for the others, start doing it now! Do not compare yourself to the others because it does not make any sense and it will not bring you further.

Once you have gained your confidence, it does not automatically mean that you are always in every situation afterward self-assured, you can start at last living your life and continuing being proactive.

Priorities and habits

People tend to lose focus on what is really important. I know it is hard when you have a work-life and a lot of things are going on. You have to work, maybe you have a family with kids or a sick relative. In these situations, it is in fact hard to find balance and to know what the principles are, but in order to achieve your dreams, you have to know your list of priorities.

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Pixabay - Good and bad habits...

It can be helpful when you sit down and make a list of the activities and habits you have developed throughout the years. Your habits actually define you, how successful you are, how efficient you are. It is hard without a doubt to break a habit. But what is a habit? Habit is a regular tendency and it is especially hard to give up.

So how can you do that? Is it bad to have a habit? A habit is not necessarily a bad thing quite the opposite it can be something truly great. I can only advise to break it down and look at it separately, you can also ask yourself questions to clear it up for you.

Does it help me to be who I want to be? Does it help me to be better? Does it keep me away from my wishes? Does it take me in the right direction?

If the answer is no, then that is a habit you might want to give less priority and do something fruitful with perspective instead.

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"Do not let your fear define who you really are."

This statement made my day

Yeah, that is so true... sometimes hard to live it, but it is still true!

Very good publication, you are right about many things, starting with the fact that if it is true we do not all see life in the same way, and it all depends on what we have lived and what we know, the one who studies psychology for example knows why many people behave in such a way, or at least has an idea of what has happened in his life, while the one who does not have even the slightest education in that area is very unlikely to even take the trouble to analyze another person's behavior.

The only thing that is clear is that we have to learn from everything we do and what has happened to us and just keep fighting for our goals and objectives.

I totally agree there... psychology is such an interesting subject, and the ability to understand how the brain of other people work is a real treasure and can be very helpful!

Thanks about your comment, and also mentioning me in the top three posts last week! Awesome! :)

Waiting for the approval of others before we make any decision is one reason why a lot of people are unable to do anything.