How Cudos is Changing the way we think about Cloud Computing

in hive-175254 •  3 years ago  (edited)


Since the inception of the web, it’s full of revolution & Innovations , and we seen so many tech giants coming from the industry. So, many tech giants started giving services related to cloud computing and now they are major players in the market like AWS by Amazon & Azure by Microsoft, Cloud computing makes so many things possible from a single computer. It’s also enabled big games to come on cloud platforms, we also like platforms like Netflix, Prime video which also uses cloud computing to store the data they have. It is also called the backbone of internet infrastructure. 

Understanding cloud computing & The problem!!

Cloud computing-

In simple words cloud computing is the backbone of today’s web, where everyone is using it without knowing it. The internet is working on the top of Cloud, excess data is stored on cloud, if you need high computing power it’s also comes under Cloud computing. 

The problem-

Cloud computing is great but it’s under the monopoly of few tech giants,that’s why they stopped the expense on innovation which now lacks in the field. The internet has changed a lot since its inception,now everyone is talking about Web 3.O, but the backbone which is  cloud hasn’t changed a lot.

Privacy is one more thing which is important but there is no proper infrastructure to solve the problem, everyday we saw news of data leak of users but these companies haven’t solving the issues. 

CUDOS:- The new way of Cloud computing. 

Idea behind the concept-

There are billions of PC’s, smart phones, laptops, Consoles which are not using their full computing power or remain idle. So, why not utilise that computational power for the requirements of the world, instead of building so many big computational hubs to fulfill the needs. Creating a big data centre is costly and also not good for the environment. All of this with privacy and users in the mind. 


This looks simple but making a robust technology to make this happen isn’t. 

  • Building a technology which can handle millions and billions of tasks is not easy. 

  • Creating a proper demand & supply against big players is also hard. 

  • A reliable and privacy focused concept. 

Technology behind Cudos

Blockchain has proven that it can handle billions of tasks without lagging, and can handle different types of tasks at once. That’s why Cudos is building its technological infrastructure based on blockchain, for example you can see ethereum blockchain which is home to 90% of all DeFi & NFT’s products available in the market. So without a doubt blockchain technology is a choice of Cudos to build a Global Cumpute Network. 


One of the difficult parts in the success of any project/Startup is adoption, Cudos was founded in 2017 and since then they have attached so many users to their product till now Cudos has more than 300k+ users and 50k nodes which live in almost 150 countries. This is really awesome start for an idea like this which can disrupt the industry. 

Privacy First Policy -

Cudos is cleared about Privacy, the blockchain concept with true decentralisation with integration of data encryption make Cudos stand alone in the industry to offer this, Cudos is being built with privacy in the mind which also encourages everyone to join the Cudos Network which aims true decentralisation. 

Other Utilities of Cudos blockchain-

Cudos is not only limited to Cloud services, Cudos is a multi-purpose Layer-1 Blockchain & it’s also building Layer-2 solutions. 

Layer-1 Blockchain-

Cudos is also building its own blockchain which is already in private testnet in coming months mainnet will be launched.

  • Cudos blockchain will be capable of DeFi & NFT’s 

  • It will be fast & scalable for daily purposes 

  • The Cudos blockchain will be using minimal energy to produce blocks, so it will be almost Carbon neutral

Layer-2 solutions-

Cudos is also developing solutions on other famous Blockchains like Ethereum, Algorand, etc. 

  • Cudos is developing Defi solutions on multiple blockchains 

  • Developing its own Oracle which will be used to give useful cloud data to other blockchains 


Cudos is building a one stop solution for most blockchain use cases with its core technology being built for Cloud computing. With true decentralisation Cudos is trying to achieve mass adoption of the blockchain technology which is transparent and available all over the world. 

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