Documentation: An important part of business - A post worth reading for proper business guide

in hive-175254 •  3 years ago 

Good day buddies, I have really been trying to come up with this post but because of how busy the schedule is, I was unable to meet up. Apart from the reward, engaging here has been my number one priority, any day I missed out publishing here, it is like I missed out on something great. This is the love I have developed for the blockchain itself, any day without it, it is like that day is not complete. I pray this love keeps running.

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I was opportune to discussed with one of my female friend which I am trying to set up in the rightful way through the little knowledge I have understand and learnt through the impact of some persons here. She went into business some years back and she failed. She is really mad at herself because her man is thinking of walking away from her if she can't prove her self.

First of all we all should knows that relationship has grown from the stage where it is not just the man contributing but both parties. When this is done you will see that you guys will be progressing so fast, give such family little time they are going to hit apex. This is because they are supportive to each other. There is this popular saying that my grandmother use to tell's me, she said it is the hand that washes the hand. Simply put, if you are scratching my back I should be scratching your back too. This is simply how life operates in relationship now, it is no longer just the head this is made to carries the responsibility alone, it is now a combined effort as we are all the head.

When she was telling me of how mad her man has become following the fact that she failed in her first business which was set up by the man for her, I noticed how she is down to earth and ready to learn. As a man who has succeeded in mine I decided to key in while trying to save the situation of the moment, I don't want her relationship with her man to be ruined because of this kind of situation. She has asked the man to give her second chance but the man is afraid to do so because of the fear that she might misuse it again.

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Now when she asked me all this, I asked her this without going in detail. The question is did you keep proper document during the time your business was running and are you considering doing that when you eventually starts up this new business if the man eventually supports you? She said No and before that, she said her husband keeps telling her that she should document while her late business was running but she felt it is not needed not until the business crumbled. I asked her why she refused to document while running the business, she said she simply ignore that aspect because she thinks her brain will sustain her. I laughed hard to this.

Now I told her that documentation in business is very vital. Before I talked about this, let us knows what is documentation in business.

What is Documentation in business?

Documentation in business can be seen or defined as the process of keeping proper record of your purchase, sales, gains/reward. In a nutshell it is the process of keeping record that will help to sees you running your business in an appropriate way. Without proper documentation you won't be able to know when it is right to buy more goods to your office or you won't be able to know at what price to sell a product. To make it worse you won't be able to know if your business is making progress or not. We all knows the essences of every business is profit making, this is the reason it is ideal to take proper documentation of whatsoever things you are doing.

Now that we knows the importance of documentation, we can simply spot it out while the business of the woman failed. She simply refused to document. I will let us knows that in whatsoever situation we found ourselves in business, we should never fail to document. This is the best way for record to be kept.


If you want to go into business please bear it on your mind that documentation should be an integral part of it. If you don't document, there is every tendency that you won't be able to keep proper record of your business. If you buys an item worth $50, you buys another $80. At the end of everything you bought more than $6000 unit, how will you have record of how to sell them? You want to depend on your brain just like what she did? You will definitely fails like her. Please take documentation serious for those who wants to go into business and those who are in business too. I will leave you here with this educative post. Enjoy



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hello @tfame3865,
there is a popular saying that "what is not documented cannot be measured" if you do not know what is going on in your business, it is unlikely that you will be able to detect in time what are the weak points to make them stronger because you can make a mistake thousands of times if you do not have a correct documentation of both the process and the business.

what is not documented cannot be measured

First time, hearing this phrase, and it is 100% true. You may be out of stock and you noticed it late. You won't know if you are making profit or loss, which is very necessary for any business owner.

For all those who are thinking of setting up their business, it is important that they consider all your tips that are embodied in this post regarding how we can document our business.

Greetings and thanks for your contribution.

Hello @tfame3865
Sorry about what happened to your friend, but from mistakes you learn a lot, I particularly think that keeping records is a very annoying task, but you have to do it, however much time it requires, is what gives the basis to know that we must change, that we must improve, because no doubt there are always things that are changing, plus it is impossible to have an absolute order in everything if we do not register it, because it is impossible to have an absolute order in everything if we do not have a record of it.

Certainly that is one of the reasons why you must keep in any company, whether large and especially small businesses or small businesses for all this is necessary to carry a good accounting system to keep track of all operations.

Definitely, it is just like no proper documentation no business

The points you raised here are very important to the successful running of any business. The benefits of proper documentation can never be overemphasised. Thanks for sharing this amazing piece bro

@tipu curate 4

It is sad to know that your friend's business failed and she had to learn the hard way but the most important thing is that she learns. Documentation is a very vital part of a business and the idea of documentation remains a very important point.

Learning the hard way, isn't all good but it is actually the best way to learn from a mistake, because you will never repeat such mistake again. Although, we all hope to learn from people experience and not experience it the hard way, hahahaha

Documentation will help you know when you are either running into profit or loss.

According to all of the above. It's very handy when you have an assistant platform to create a documentation template. Not only in business but also in technical field it is an important program. We were working in and could add our tools as we prepared texts and links to technical paragraph sources. I'm a design engineer and I'm constantly making estimates. When working with other level authors and engineers, it's important not to leave anything out and to allow everyone to participate in the same project without over-interpretation.

A good business must understand the need for proper documentation, taking into details every transaction carried out around a business premises will give more room for profit and loss to be calculated more efficiently.

Greetings @tfame3865 no doubt in the 21st century women's liberation involves a greater participation of women in all areas of our life where the contribution in the home is fundamental to any couple and family we wish to establish. Thank you for your contribution

Greetings @ tfame3865 When you start or resume a business is important to know what good we have, how much cost and how we would sell it, keep accounting records in fundamental pillar of any business (The numbers speak) and even more if they already went through a bankruptcy of the same for not keeping records.
Thank you very much for sharing your post

keep accounting records in fundamental pillar of any business

You are very right @dgalan. That's why there's usually an accounting department in big companies, because they know just how important it is, to keep records properly.

@tipu curate

An interesting read. You are right, documentation is too relevant for the success of one's business. Because you don't expect to keep all the sales and purchases in your brain, it is impossible. That's why companies pay huge money to accountants to keep the records straight, so a one business, you are your accountant, marketer and everything, so it is crucial for the success of your business if you kept a proper documentation of your business.

Awesome article @tfame3865

Nice write up,as stressful as documentation may be it is very important in any business

You are right