Hi Steem Users,
Thank you to everyone who read my first post talking about 'My eBay eCommerce Journey' so far and the progression I have made.
March was a BIG month for me, I did £7,000 in revenue and £538 total profit for the month. In February I only made £143 total profit, a 276% increase.
March 31st 2021 was the most profit I have had in 1 day since starting my eBay business in November, I made £80.07 profit (before promotion fees). That is more than I made from being at work for the day.
Mid-day on the 31st of March I had 3 HIGH PRICED sales that bumped my profits up that day.
I hope April is on par or better than March and I can keep growing my eBay eCommerce Business.
If you would like to start an eBay eCommerce business with only spending 1-2hrs per day on your PC/Laptop let me know and I will get you started up.
Thanks for reading,