Cheerfulness and Healthy Living

in hive-175254 •  3 years ago 

Life gives you many reasons to carry a moody and sad expression about, frowning or looking defeated as a result of the many troubles life brings. This notwithstanding, cheerfulness is better! The role of joy and a merry heart in a man's life cannot be overemphasized, especially in the place of healthy living. Just as positive thinking helps you live a life of purpose, cheerfulness helps you live long and healthy enough to achieve that purpose.


Being happy promotes a range of lifestyle habits that are necessary for overall health and well-being. Studies have shown that happier people are more open to eating healthier diets and engage in physical activities that keep them in good shape. Diets rich in fruits and vegetables are associated with a couple of health benefits.

The practise of regular physical activities helps to build strong bones, decrease body fat, increase energy levels, and lower blood pressure. Living cheerfully may also improve sleep habits, which is important for concentration, productivity, and maintaining a healthy weight. Cheerful people are able to get rid of strife and divisions on time, rather than dwelling on it, which affects the mind negatively.

Being happy may help boost your immune system or help keep it consistently strong. This might help you fight off common ailments like cold and chest infections. Likewise, stress increases levels of the hormone cortisol, which can cause weight gain, disturbed sleep and high blood pressure. Cheerfulness tends to help produce lower levels of cortisol in response to stressful situations.

Other Ways Cheerfulness Can Benefit Your Health

  • It may protect your heart by reducing blood pressure, a major risk factor for heart disease

  • It may increase your life expectancy. Generally, happier people look younger and thus live healthier and much longer than people who frown and are always unapproachable.

  • Being happy also helps to reduce the perception of pain. This is particularly effective in chronic pain conditions, and is a tool medical practitioners use to distract a patient from painful situations, for example, in calming a person under asthma attack.

  • It is also helpful in reducing the risk of frailty and stroke.

Keeping your mind away from strife and worries will help you live more cheerfully and thus live healthier, stronger and longer. Worries won't end your challenges, they will only compound it. Happiness will keep the doctors away for a long time, will help you to look younger and stronger and help you keep good relationships and adequately manage disappointments.


A cheerful disposition is good for your health; gloom and doom leave you bone-tired. - Proverbs 17:22 (MSG)


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For declaring all anxiety to be gone, and understanding that for all God has a wonderful process, his word says that for those of us who love him all things work together for good. All sickness goes out of your body and we declare it healed in the name of Jesus.

Hi buddies!
Life gives answer in 3 ways. It says Yes & gives u what u want, it says no and gives u something better, it says wait and gives u the Best. But the best revenge is living a successful, good life, and just being happy.
Thanks for sharing.

We all need a good and healthy life , for that we need to eat good and healthy food. You heard this scentance a healthy food gives a healthy Brian.