Things have not been easy on my side as an axie investor since the latest rules/requirement when they remove adventure earning and daily task, it was really a turn around to many axie player, some took it negatively and left thereby making axie market price to really fall drastically and currently the cheapest axie is around 20$, back then when i brought some axies it was above 120$, such huge fall. Well some players too it positively in another aspect, we didnt back down but find ways and strategy to grind and battle other stronger opponent in the arena section.
I decided to pick up some few axies to increase my enegy level but I was defeated a lot till and my MMR rating fell to around 560 which was really bad, and i keep grinding nevertheless, hoping i will one day build it back to 1000+ and i was able to fulfill that today after purchasing this axie yesterday after waiting for days to see the price fall back to around 67$ from 120$ when i saw it last. The abilities was really top notch. maybe i will discuss about it some other time

Hoping to share more content here about my axie gameplay, See you all soon and what do you thing about this reptile ability? will love to see your game strategy.