US Banks Can Now Run Nodes For Stable Coins

in hive-175254 •  4 years ago  (edited)


Times have really changed in the world of cryptocurrency. Back in the day it was magical internet money now banks can run nodes so they can deal in stable coins. This is another big step forward for mass adoption of cryptocurrency which has already been a pretty bullish couple of months. If things continue in this direction cryptocurrency will be mainstream faster than we thought it would and a lot more people will be using crypto in their day to day transactions.

The Low Cost Of Stable Coins

Stable coins are a great way to send money around that world without having to worry about the volatility that a lot of coins have. Depending on the network you could be paying little to nothing to send stable coins around the world. It is a lot cheaper than the way banks have to send money around the world is today and it could be a way to save a lot of money when you are doing business internationally. I can see in the near future banks using a stable coin that they can send to each other with almost no fees. I have sent coins that have cost me nothing to send and have received coins with no fees. And not only are there chains now with low to no fees but blockchains are still new and are being updated to handle more transactions as we go. It is still early in the game and even chains with fees should get lower as time passes.

Coins For The Masses

I am big fan of tech and computers. But lets be honest there are a lot of people who do not like to be on a computer and a lot of people on computers who do not care about the technology behind bitcoin. When you can go to the bank and get crypto in your account it will open the world of cryptocurrency to a lot of users who would not otherwise have exposure to it. It might be the norm in the future for people to have their own keys and their own wallets but that is a long way off. This is new tech and the more user friendly it is the more people will use it.

It is impressive how far crpytocurrency has come in the last years and if you were in here during the bear market you know how dark it was looking for the industry as a whole. But people kept building and working and now it looks like we are heading to a world where blockchain tech and cryptocurrency is a part of everyday society.

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hi dear @whatageek
If what you say happen and banks adopt cryptocurrency will generate trust like never before and the price will skyrocket, I will start to retain as much cryptocurrency as I can

P.D. for when a marvel contest, just like old times ?

I strongly believe cryptocurrency will be the universal currency in the future. The beauty about crytpo Currency is that, its invention makes money a mere paper.

Crypto reveals the fact that anyone can create their own money.

stable coins are an excellent alternative in which I see more hope for mass adoption, I think people don't care about the technology behind the coins, what they really care about is the usefulness of the coins and in that stable coins have a great advantage over coins that their value varies with the market.