Nigerians and Blockchain Technology

in hive-175254 •  3 years ago 

Most Nigerians are not "big" on privacy. I'd like to say "all" but I have a lot of respect for the Nigerians here on Hive so I can't add them to the fold.

The creation of Bitcoin and in turn the Blockchain was meant for the purpose of enhancing and promoting the easy movement of funds and conduct of transactions without the need for financial institutions and traceability.

This is what I've gathered in my months of partial study of Financial Technology. It's a means of bridging the gap between the wealthy and not so wealthy. A process by which the poor have the opportunity to be rich.

The Average Nigerian

A lot of Nigerians have been exposed, no doubt. I happen to know more exposed individuals than unexposed. More individuals are willing to take bold steps after realizing there's so much rubbish going on and actually searching for the perfect solutions.

These are people not only looking at Nigeria as a problem but are able to analyse the problems of other parts of the world and follow global trends proven to work in other parts of the world. It's impressive being in their midst. It's like the air switches from one of despair at the current situation of our country to one of hope for a future we know exists somewhere.

However, beyond these individuals are the ones who can't be bothered. This isn't entirely terrible perse. Every country has them. The underground freedom fighters.

I'm referring to those who fix the world through their Facebook, Twitter and other social media handles. I envy their courage. I was once like them. The majority of the people in this new phase and sphere of knowledge were once like that. They learnt and they grew. A lot of people will not. It's why onboarding a lot of Nigerians on Hive is difficult.

A Perfect System

Although I can sit and point out why getting a lot of Nigerians serious here is a difficulty, I can also imagine what it would be like in a sane and healthy environment where we have a large number of sane and healthy Nigerians utilizing the different resources made available by the blockchain.

My emphasis is on 'sane' and 'healthy' because I know what the 'insane' and 'unhealthy' Nigerians would be capable of doing given the amount of knowledge I'm referring to. It would be chaos.

However, for the purpose of growth, let's assume the majority of Nigerians fully grasp the knowledge of the capability of the blockchain and decide to fully harness it.

More Utility

I imagine a situation where some of my inventor friends decide to build some things off of the Hive Blockchain. I only got to understand this recently and put a lot of things together by reading bits and pieces of articles about Cubfinance and Splinterlands. Those are some brains we have there.

I currently have a friend who created an app that's currently used by millions of people in Nigeria. His portfolio is incredible.

Imagine what magic he could make by creating something on the Blockchain. He's one of many.

Having many of such individuals harnessing Blockchain tech would create some of the coolest utility. But it's rare. The few we have are being witch-hunted.

A Safe Social Space

Hive has always been my safe zone. I think I've written more personal stuff here than I could ever imagine writing on an open space like Facebook. Asides from the fact that I have very few families here, there's also the fact that this space provides privacy.

A lot of Nigerians are stuck in Social Spaces that do not provide any sort of privacy. This lack of privacy leads to an obscene amount of disrespect caused by limited ownership.

Imagine how cool it would be if all Nigerians or at least the majority had keys to their Social Spaces as we do on Hive. Or if they utilized Brave browser instead of their Google Chrome. A little change is a huge difference.

Safe Money

Inequality is a huge problem for Nigerians. I can't begin to explain situations where one person is underpaid for activities based on silly reasons like age and gender. It's absurd and insane.

Bitcoin was created, from my observation, to stop or at least limit this occurrence. It's the aspect of financial privacy that the governments are not in support of.

Almost every Nigerian remembers the #Endsars situation where the government froze bank accounts for funding the protest.

Let me digress a little here.

The situation with the #endsars kind of reminds me of a physical representation of a safe social space. The protests were not funded by a single person but a variety of individuals for different reasons.

There was no leader. There was no controller. It was an open space where everyone was permitted to share their voice.

The outcome? Power.

The Government began to realize that the people had more power than they do. Naturally. So they took to genocide.

Also, a similar case is their response to Twitter. Where they lack control, they destroy.

Back to the topic.

Right after the funding was stopped from getting into Nigerian bank accounts, it was continued using crypto. The government was lost and incapable of doing anything about that.

By providing financial privacy a lot more transactions could take place for the benefit of a majority of Nigerians. However, in a sane society, this could be a means for immense growth through positive action. I fear what the Nigerian public would do if they fully harnessed the capabilities of the private money movement.

The Future

Every day, there's one new person learning about the capabilities of the blockchain and figuring out ways of harnessing it to create more wealth for themselves. Honestly.

A lot of Nigerians are talented and are only one step away from taking their talent mainstream through the proper utilization of the technology of the future.

There's the good and the bad. Every society has its bad eggs. However, due to the large population of Nigeria, it's easy to find more bad eggs than good.

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