Hello friends,bet you are really doing here to participate in a contest that is organized by a very good steemit user in this very community and to say the truth,I am very much happy that this type of contest is established in this community as it will be a very good way to share our monthly plans with some friends here on steemit.
What do you associate the month of May with.
The month of May is really one of the good month in my life as it has taught me very important lesson of my life and now I have learn a lot of things and also I have learnt from my mistake.
- A month to correct my mistakes before it turns to an error:Mistakes are things we do in life and are not really good which takes time to be corrected but errors are mistake we do in life and fail to correct them and they can't be corrected again.
I have really made many mistake here on steemit and it took me a very long time to correct and that mistake was that I cashed out a lot and left the club initiative and that made all my posts not to be curated and that made me to be less active in the platform and it really hindered my plans of join the steem crypto academy to get higher rewards and for this month I have associated it with correcting my mistakes before it turns to an error which can not be wiped away.
- Learning to help others: I have also associated helping newcomers in steemit with the month of April, newbies are people that are new to the platform and don't know much about it and it's our task to guide them and also build them to be better steemians around the world and also that will help to promote steemit in all ratification.
Thank you for this very great contest and also I pray that you are strengthen to keep hosting this wonderful contest in this very inviting @junst,@prekiah,@innocent10 to participate.