Friends are a part of life Friends are one of the most important things in life and the world looks so beautiful because there are friends The world looks so good because there are friends and because there are friends who want to live on earth for so long.After a long time I had a fun time with friends and today I will write about that time.
Everyone knows about the current state of the earth and a few days ago the condition of the earth was more miserable and all in all we are seeing a glimmer of hope now and we believe that soon the darkness will disappear and soon we will return to the state as before.Although the school-college has been closed for a long time due to which no one is seeing anyone, a different tension is working inside everyone and this is the truth at the end of the day.
A few days ago everyone was talking well on social media and we opened a group on social media there we were trying to create a conversation with everyone and we were spending our time on social media.Suddenly the desire to get together came to everyone's mind and finally with the consent of all we all agreed and we wanted to meet in a secluded place and where only we would stay and we would all spend time together as our own and all together It was decided that the festival would be celebrated.
Finally today was that day and we all met together and we all the boys and girls got together and after a long time it felt good to meet everyone and we were spending time like ourselves we were all boys doing these things girls doing these things We've had a picnic, we've cooked a lot of food today, and we've celebrated our quality time.In fact, some of the feelings can't be expressed in words. I think my readers have understood my inner state. However, after a long time, I had a picnic with friends. All in all, we all ate and drank together All in all it was a festive atmosphere and all in all I had a great time.