Beauty Of My Area Photography//by @ haroon raza//13/06/2021

in hive-177070 •  4 years ago 


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Hello friends how are you i hope you are well as you can see in this picture that the sun is just rising i came out when i remember to go for a walk early in the morning i am a little dark I found it very beautiful. I made a picture of it. As you can see in the picture. I went for a walk in the morning. When I went for a walk, I felt very happy in the fields. Take great, long breaths and walk barefoot early in the morning and see vegetables is not a weakness of Nissan's eyes.

Ornamental Plants

As you can see in this picture I have shared with you a picture of the most beautiful plant and its leaves are not coming out yet. This very lush green looks very beautiful. Its leaves are very long. There are and with its leaves it looks like there is Kangi's straw, etc. The name of this plant is Kangi Palm. It is very beautiful. People use their rights to decorate parks and houses. It is the most beautiful plant and Its trunk becomes very thick and strong, which has a name, it would be very beautiful

As you can see in this picture, friends, I have shared with you a picture of a beautiful plant whose leaves are very large and the beauty of the hair on it looks like the name of the hair plant is Wall Palm. Yes, it is very beautiful. The leaves of this plant are very big. This plant becomes very big

Flowering plants

As you all friends can see in this picture I have shared with you a picture of a small plant which has a lot of forgotten white color on top of it and there are small flowers which can be used to plant any school. The flowers do not smell. You look very beautiful. It lasts all year round. It has flowers of many colors, but it has flowers of this color. It looks a little small in the cold and it is very beautiful.

I have now shared with your friends a picture of a rose that is a very beautiful and red flower. It is attached to a rose plant. Its plant is very big and very beautiful. If not more flowers then this world was made. If I planted this one, I would look very beautiful, so I made a picture of it. This is a red flower. How did I plant this rose plant? The fragrance of the rose flower would be very sweet. Most of the people have roses on the grave, etc. It is also made with garlands of roses with the intention of court and graves and is also used in prayers. The plant is very beautiful.

This is a flower with a white English rose. The name of the English plant here is English Rose. This white flower is very beautiful. It does not smell. Most people use it for decoration in their homes. They are planted in large quantities and people have planted them in their homes for beauty

I have shared a picture of a sunflower flower with you friends. This flower is very beautiful and very big or you can see that the color of the sunflower flower is yellow. It is said that these are very beautiful flowers. That the way a sunflower blows in the direction of the sun is very beautiful, with which the sunflower flower becomes a sunflower when something happens to it. The sunflower is very helpful in eating. Most people breed like their birds. It gets hot. This sunflower flower is very beautiful. The rest was very big after that.

I have shared pictures of pigeons with you people. Pigeons are very beautiful. You can see them in the picture. Pigeons are biting the seeds. I have a drop. These pigeons are very beautiful and very expensive. They are the breeds of pigeons. These are the pigeons of the breed area. They look like America. They are very beautiful. This is a very beautiful improvement and they have feathers on their legs and their tails are like the wings of a peacock. They are very beautiful pigeons. I keep them in my house. I like them very much.

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