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Goat meat cooking recipe.
In rural Bengal, Khasi meat is cooked in the traditional way. Starting from the teenagers in the village, old women are usually skilled in cooking Khasi meat. Moreover, men of rural Bengal are also seen cooking khasi meat.
Let's know the recipe for cooking khasir meat in rural Bengal.
First I collected the amount of castrated meat. Then, I washed the meat well with pure water and put it in a clean container.
The second step
I mixed the washed khasir meat with the same amount of salt powder and turmeric powder. Then, I poured the meat in a clean pan for cooking.
The third step
I collected the necessary ingredients for cooking khasir meat. The necessary materials are:
Clean Water
Mustard oil
Salt powder
Turmeric powder
Meat seasoning
Coriander powder
Bay leaves
Forth step.
I put the pan of meat in the oven. Then I took the fire level of the oven in the middle so that it is convenient to cook. Then I gave the necessary spices at the right time.
Fifth step
I stirred the meat with a spoon on the pan. I carefully added spices to the meat, making sure that there were no more or less spices. In particular, I gave salt and salt powder carefully.
Sixth step
After a while, the whole kitchen was filled with the aroma of cooking meat. I checked the meat broth with a spoon. The meat was cooked and turned into roasting. Yes.
Seventh step
After cooking, I poured the meat in a clean bowl. Ah! The aroma of the meat suggests that it tasted great. Now it's time to eat.
As soon as I finished cooking the meat, I started eating. The aroma of cooking the delicious Khasi meat was not left to come.
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