Hello Great minds , Leisure Time is said to be at one's command, free from engagement convenient.
Normally I like engaging myself in a serious thought about life my purpose on Earth past memories,past friendship and reading during my leisure time.
This normally leads me to sometimes thinking of my childhood education memories how I was able to over some ugly experience thou.
Unlike many of us ,I normally think about my child hood Education how I went to school what we did during school hours,
During my primary school days where it is very Paramount to go in search of palm kernel hunting whenever it is break time .
While my mates in other schools would play in there play time ,we'd set forth into nearby bush close to school environment for fun but dangerous adventure.
As usual me as the bravest kid , positioned in front like brave solders wound stand in battle fields .
With our water flasks clinched beneath our palms ,we'd invade the grounds under any palm tree all we find worthy and interesting,and have our tiny hands ransack for nuts to break and crack.
Sometimes,we often met dangerous animals like snake ants in our purshoot . sometimes farmers around farm engaging in one or two activity like weeding etc who normally ward us off to go back to school would come to play .but Aye we'd never go back for just a farmer with Cain, we'd hide to wait ,so the said farmer would suddenly go or disappear from site then we invade again till he comes chasing us .
These memories give me goosebumps and great nostalgia each time I'm on my leisure time because I do engaged in alot of thinking and reading during my leisure time,
Reading has helped me alot in calculating myself and making adjustments where necessary
Because he who fail to plan has plan to fail , and
It's not a man's working hours that is important, it is how he spends his leisure time.
Normally during leisure time I also engage my self adequately on reading,
I have several books I read which has been a source of inspiration and motivation to me .
Advise was given never to trust a friend who hasn't brought a book form his pocket,
One glance at a book and you hear the voice of another person, perhaps someone dead for 1,000 years. To read is to voyage through time.
Reading should not be presented to children as a chore, a duty. It should be offered as a gift,
“I think books are like people, in the sense that they’ll turn up in your life when you most need them.
“It wasn’t myself enough because of low self esteem ,until I started reading and found books they wouldn’t let us read in school that I discovered you could be insane and happy and have a good life without being like everybody else.
“Books are mirrors: You only see in them what you already have inside you.
Making Reading my priority during my leisure time has help me alot in life .