Around The World Landscape Photography - Week#4 - Fast River

in hive-177276 •  4 years ago 

The Vltava River is the left tributary of the Elbe River.
Usually a very calm river becomes dangerous during floods. It pours out very powerfully. So in 2002 there was the worst flood in the last 500 years. Prague and the Prague metro were flooded with water.

Charles Bridge was built across the Vltava, it stretches for 518 meters, its width is 9.5 meters, and it rests on 16 powerful
supports, with a thickness of 8.5 to 10.8 meters.

Many birds live on the river, swans and ducks, thanks to complementary foods, have become almost tame.

Several dams and breakwaters have been erected on the river.
Apparently it's not for nothing that the name of the river comes from "wild water".

The Vltava is a navigable river used by steamers and cargo ships. By the way, this river is considered the longest river in the Czech Republic.

Photos taken in Prague in autumn 2019

Camera used: Canon EOS 600D / EF-S 17-85mm f/4-5.6 IS USM

Post-processing: Color Efex Pro 3.0

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