I did a google search on my user name which shows a lot of my photographs. It does not look like I shared a photo of this rose yet. Even if I did this is a different view that has not been used. Viewing my photos of flowers in mid-winter helps my mood and my mind begins to contemplate spring.
Hice una búsqueda en Google con mi nombre de usuario, que muestra muchas de mis fotografías. No parece que haya usado esta foto de la rosa antes. Incluso si lo hice, es una vista diferente que no ha sido utilizada. Ver mis fotos de flores en pleno invierno ayuda a mi estado de ánimo y mi mente empieza a contemplar la primavera.
I continue to share other Curation projects in my posts. Many are small and have limited Steem Power and can use support from all of us. I know many who read my publications do not have a lot of SP themselves, although delegating even small amounts can add up to enough power to make a larger difference.
Continúo compartiendo otros proyectos de curaduría en mis puestos. Muchos son pequeños y tienen una potencia limitada y pueden utilizar el apoyo de todos nosotros. Sé que muchos de los que leen mis publicaciones no tienen mucho SP ellos mismos, aunque delegar incluso pequeñas cantidades puede sumar suficiente poder para hacer una mayor diferencia.
The El Arca Project is a "project of of creation, diffusion and artistic appreciation". Stellae (@stellae) is the "artistic curing team of the @elarca Project". @elarca has been around for a couple of years, and is currently working on continuing the project by using @stellae for curating. Here is a link to a recent publication that goes into more detail on their plans for 2020: https://steemit.com/steem/@elarca/el-arca-or-the-ark-project-or-2020-update-and-a-call-for-support-actualizaciones-2020-y-un-llamado-al-apoyo. The link for their Discord serer is https://discord.gg/kkZDHWG.
It is my understanding that delegations should go to @stellae, because that account will be doing the curating. We always discuss delegation of SP, although delegating other tribal tokens can also be helpful.
El Proyecto El Arca es un "proyecto de creación, difusión y apreciación artística". Stellae (@stellae) es el "equipo de curación artística del Proyecto @elarca". @elarca existe desde hace un par de años, y actualmente está trabajando en la continuación del proyecto utilizando @stellae para el curado. Aquí hay un enlace a una publicación reciente que entra en más detalles sobre sus planes para el 2020: https://steemit.com/steem/@elarca/el-arca-or-the-ark-project-or-2020-update-and-a-call-for-support-actualizaciones-2020-y-un-llamado-al-apoyo. El enlace para su servidor de Discordia es https://discord.gg/kkZDHWG.
Tengo entendido que las delegaciones deben ir a @stellae, porque esa cuenta se encargará del curating. Siempre discutimos la delegación de SP, aunque delegar otras fichas tribales también puede ser útil.
It is now time to share some photographs. Like the last few publication I will begin with some flower photographs and then share another stage of working with micro-greens.
Es hora de compartir algunas fotografías. Como en la última publicación, comenzaré con algunas fotografías de flores y luego compartiré otra etapa de trabajo con micro-verdes.
I am not sure of the name of the next flower. But it is cheerful color:
No estoy seguro del nombre de la próxima flor. Pero es de un color alegre:
This next flower is a Lilac, which actually grows on a shrub. I have two varieties and this one is my favorite. They have a wonderful aroma. Unfortunately I cannot pick bouquets to bring indoors because I am allergic to the aroma. I still have to smell them when come into bloom because they bring back memories of my childhood. I end up with a headache but it is worth it.
La siguiente flor es una lila, que en realidad crece en un arbusto. Tengo dos variedades y esta es mi favorita. Tienen un aroma maravilloso. Desafortunadamente no puedo recoger ramos para llevarlos a casa porque soy alérgico al aroma. Todavía tengo que olerlos cuando florecen porque me traen recuerdos de mi infancia. Termino con un dolor de cabeza, pero vale la pena.
I am not sure the name of this next plant. I can see why I took the photograph. The colors are magnificent.
No estoy seguro del nombre del próximo arbusto. Puedo ver por qué tomé la fotografía. Los colores son magníficos.
I took a photograph of a couple of cucumber plants I am trying to grow under lights. I grow these two varieties in my greenhouse, but I usually do not turn the heat on in there until late February or early March. I transplanted them into larger pots since I took this photo. The last time I tried growing them under lights I had an insect get into them. I have not had any insect problem all winter so I am hoping to get some fresh cucumbers. Toward the end of February I will start more that will move out to the greenhouse once I start heating it.
Tomé una fotografía de un par de plantas de pepino que estoy tratando de cultivar bajo las luces. Cultivo estas dos variedades en mi invernadero, pero no suelo encender la calefacción hasta finales de febrero o principios de marzo. Las he transplantado a macetas más grandes desde que tomé esta foto. La última vez que intenté cultivarlas bajo luces, un insecto se metió en ellas. No he tenido ningún problema con los insectos en todo el invierno, así que espero conseguir algunos pepinos frescos. A finales de febrero empezaré a plantar más que se trasladarán al invernadero una vez que empiece a calentarlo.
I wanted to share the final stage of the micro-greens that were started in previous publications. The first one is the broccoli I had seeded, followed by the pea shoots. I have started harvesting them and using them in salads.
Quería compartir la etapa final de los micro-verdes que se iniciaron en publicaciones anteriores. El primero es el brócoli que había sembrado, seguido de los brotes de guisante. He empezado a cosecharlos y a usarlos en ensaladas.
My final photograph is a salad that I had for breakfast a couple of days ago. I mixed some of my micro-greens in with greens, cucumbers and scallions I bought at market. The sausage slices are from sausage I had made from meat I harvested from my property. At times my salads are completely from micro-greens.
*Mi última fotografía es una ensalada que desayuné hace un par de días. Mezclé algunos de mis micro-verduras con verduras, pepinos y cebollas que compré en el mercado. Las lonchas de salchicha son de salchichas que hice con carne que coseché en mi propiedad. A veces mis ensaladas son completamente de micro-verdes.
This brings us to a close of this week’s publication. As always I hope each of you find at least one thing you enjoy from my publication.
*Esto nos lleva a un cierre de la publicación de esta semana. Como siempre, espero que cada uno de ustedes encuentre al menos una cosa que disfrute de mi publicación. *
Below are a variety of projects that may help some of you to get your publications noticed more and possible receive an up-vote. Each of these projects functions different, so you will need to investigate them further. Check out their Discord Server for additional information. I am just sharing them as potential projects for you to further explore. It is your responsibility to investigate each and determine if they are appropriate for you.
Each could use support from us. Support may come from using their Discord Server, visiting their blog, and/or a delegation.
A continuación se presentan una variedad de proyectos que pueden ayudar a algunos de ustedes a hacer que sus publicaciones sean más conocidas y que posiblemente reciban un voto favorable. Cada uno de estos proyectos funciona de manera diferente, por lo que tendrán que investigarlos más a fondo. Revise su Servidor de Discordia para obtener información adicional. Los estoy compartiendo como proyectos potenciales para que usted los explore más a fondo. Es su responsabilidad investigar cada uno y determinar si son apropiados para usted.
Cada uno de ellos podría utilizar el apoyo de nosotros. El apoyo puede provenir de la utilización de su Servidor de Discordia, visitando publicaciones de blog, y/o una delegación.
El Arca Project & their Curating account @stellae
Here is a link to El Arca: https://steemit.com/@elarca. Another link to Stellae: https://steemit.com/@stellae
Here is a link to their Discord server: https://discord.gg/kkZDHWG
Aquí hay un enlace a El Arca: https://steemit.com/@elarca. Otro enlace a Stellae: https://steemit.com/@stellae
Aquí hay un enlace a su servidor de Discordia: https://discord.gg/kkZDHWG
Here is a link to Mayvileros blog and Discord Server: https://steemit.com/@mayvileros (https://discord.gg/Z5vjYSx)
Aquí hay un enlace al blog de Mayvileros y al Servidor de Discordia: https://steemit.com/@mayvileros (https://discord.gg/GkvqGkQ)
Here is a link to Emprendedores 2.00 blog and Discord Server: https://steemit.com/@emp2-00com (http://discord.gg/GkvqGkQ)
Aquí hay un enlace al blog de Emprendedores 2.00 y al Servidor de Discordia: https://steemit.com/@emp2-00com (https://discord.gg/GkvqGkQ)
Here is a link to @theunion's blog and discord server: steemit.com/@theunion (https://discord.gg/TZGstG9)
Aquí hay un enlace al blog y al servidor de discordia de Theunion: steemit.com/@theunion (https://discord.gg/TZGstG9)
Here is a link to one of @club12's recent publications: https://steemit.com/spanish/@club12/relacionarte-presenta-a-exoelias. For @radiosteemit you can check out their blog steemit.com/@radiosteemit. (https://discord.gg/bxsAaAr)
He aquí un enlace a una de sus recientes publicaciones: https://steemit.com/spanish/@club12/relacionarte-presenta-a-exoelias. Para @radiosteemit puedes visitar su blog steemit.com/@radiosteemit. (https://discord.gg/bxsAaAr)
Steemitas Club
Here is a link to Steemitas Club's discord server (https://discord.gg/dYMsF7a) & to their blog (https://steemit.com/@steemitasclub)
Hay un enlace al servidor de discos de Steemitas Club (https://discord.gg/dYMsF7a) y a su blog (https://steemit.com/@steemitasclub)

Posted via neoxian.city | The City of Neoxian
yes, the roses that you display have never been seen before. and looks very beautiful. that's the most appropriate flower to be displayed first. may your days be as beautiful as the roses you display.
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Thank you very much. I appreciate it.
Posted via neoxian.city | The City of Neoxian
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Hola amigo @r2cornell! Como siempre regalandonos unas fotos de tus flores espectaculares!
Gracias por el apoyo que brindan a toda la comunidad para incentivar la creación de contenido de calidad!
Gran abrazo!
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Muchas gracias @pablo1601.
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Me encantaron las fotos porque todo lo que es de la creación y particularmente las flores contribuyen con nuestra higiene mental con tan solo contemplarlas. Es una maravilla estar en un ambiente rodeado de tantas bondades.
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Muchas gracias. Estoy feliz de que hayas disfrutado.
Posted via neoxian.city | The City of Neoxian
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Que hermoso paseo nos has brindado, son hermosas, la maravilla de las flores su aroma y color me encantan. Estas comunidades muy apreciadas hacen una labor de curación muy bonita. Agradecida con el aprecio y cariño para @club12 se te valora muchísimo el tiempo que te tomas para revisar cada post y darle valor. Te llamare un chico 4 x 4 un todo terreno, que todo lo puede.
What a beautiful walk you have given us, they are beautiful, the wonder of the flowers, their aroma and color I love. These highly prized communities do a very beautiful healing work. Grateful for the appreciation and love for @club12 you are very valued the time you take to review each post and give it value. I'll call you a 4x4 boy an all terrain, that everything can, @r2cornell.
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Muchas gracias. Y gracias por sus amables palabras.
Posted via neoxian.city | The City of Neoxian
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Siempre lo he dicho que sabia es la naturalza de dar cada forma y color a todas las especies de las plantas. Y gracias a la tecnologia sus avances en camaras las redes pueden ser compartidas para seguir admirando la belleza natural.
I have always said that I knew it was natural to give every shape and color to all plant species. And thanks to the technology its advances in cameras the nets can be shared to continue admiring the natural beauty.
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Muchas gracias. Sí, la nueva tecnología con cámaras es maravillosa para capturar la belleza que nos rodea y luego compartirla con los demás.
Posted via neoxian.city | The City of Neoxian
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Hello @r2cornell, these flowers are very pretty, it hurts that you are allergic to their aroma, but if their aroma is as delicate as they are, it must be fantastic

happy weekend
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Thank you very much. I still enjoy their beauty and I enjoy their aroma even if I end up with a headache.
Posted via neoxian.city | The City of Neoxian
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Great clicks you shared over the week have a nice weekend dear 😊
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Thank you.
Posted via neoxian.city | The City of Neoxian
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Honestly, my favorite color is pink.
looking at the color of ping flowers today, I want to be in a flower garden with pink all over
Thanks for sharing My friend
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Thank you very much. I am happy you liked it.
Posted via neoxian.city | The City of Neoxian
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Your post has been manually curated by FreeVoter Team.You can earn liquid steem by delegating SP to @freevoter !! We are now paying 100% daily earnings and 90% Curation reward and ESTM & Dlike token to our delegators !! Join Discord for more information. Thank you !!
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Thank you
Posted via neoxian.city | The City of Neoxian
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Your salad is a storehouse of vitamins, this is what we all need to eat in winter, when there is little sun. Thank you, your flowers are good as always.
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Thank you. Yes these micro-greens are packed with nutrients we need in the winter months.
Posted via neoxian.city | The City of Neoxian
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Greetings @r2-cornell, I love cacti, their different shades of green are beautiful, in particular I was dumbfounded with this one called brain and I can't find it, I hope the day I can get it and be able to take care of it and make it grow.
Posted using Partiko Android
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Fascinating cacti. I have photos of some cacti that I took at a Botanical garden, but only have one cacti of my own at this time. I will have to look for this one because it is so unique.
Posted via neoxian.city | The City of Neoxian
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Hopefully I can find it and at home there are several other types of cacti, another day I will make a post about them so that I can see them, they are amazing since they give a flower a year in summer time and have a deep red color.
Posted using Partiko Android
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What a tender rose. I want one like that, hahaha.
The purple flowers are spectacular.
and the microgreen looks very delicious. I had never seen them of broccolis.
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Thank you. I am happy you enjoyed. I have both broccoli and kale that I am harvesting. Very distinct taste difference. I do have a one year old potted kale plant that I use in salads and cooking, but the micro-greens have a slightly different flavor. I try to have one large salad per day, usually for breakfast. My evening meal I had micro-greens to my plate without salad dressing. Cannot get greens any fresher than harvesting and using immediately.
Posted via neoxian.city | The City of Neoxian
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very nice photography my dear friend @r2cornell
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Thank you
Posted via neoxian.city | The City of Neoxian
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Beautiful pink Rose flower. It's the Queen of flower. I love pink Rose. Thanks for sharing.
Posted using Partiko Android
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Thank you. I am happy you enjoyed
Posted via neoxian.city | The City of Neoxian
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healthy breakfast that is looking cool :)
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Thank you
Posted via neoxian.city | The City of Neoxian
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Gorgeous color

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Thank you. This is my favorite of the colors I have found for lilacs.
Posted via neoxian.city | The City of Neoxian
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Wanderfull flower is rose.i love rose
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Thank you very much.
Posted via neoxian.city | The City of Neoxian
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Excellent publication with several benefits for Steemit and its users: beautiful photographs of flowers, interesting mini-crops that can help improve one's diet and the promotion of healing projects in Steemit.
Thanks for sharing, @ r2cornell
Excelente publicación con varios beneficios para Steemit y sus usuarios: bellas fotografias de flores, interesantes mini-cultivos que pueden ayudar a mejorar la propia alimentación y la promoción de proyectos de curación en Steemit.
Gracias por compartir, @r2cornell
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Muchas gracias.
Posted via neoxian.city | The City of Neoxian
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You're wellcome
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Wonderful photo shoot sir
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Thank you
Posted via neoxian.city | The City of Neoxian
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Looking so nice with drop of the fog
Posted using Partiko Android
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Thank you.
Posted via neoxian.city | The City of Neoxian
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Greetings sir @r2cornell. Another amazing photographic weekend. I always enjoy your photography. Have a nice day sir, God bless you.
Posted using Partiko Android
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Thank you very much.
Posted via neoxian.city | The City of Neoxian
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Rose is always nice love the rose.
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Thank you
Posted via neoxian.city | The City of Neoxian
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the flowers are beautiful
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Thank you
Posted via neoxian.city | The City of Neoxian
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Realy your photography skill is so good
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Thank you very much.
Posted via neoxian.city | The City of Neoxian
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Bellísima publicación , @r2cornell y gracias por tomarnos siempre en cuenta.
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Muchas gracias.
Posted via neoxian.city | The City of Neoxian
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@r2cornell, First four captures really adorable shots. I can confirm that because it has various beauty with color reflections. The salad very deserve to breakfast. It's nutritious food for our body.
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Thank you very much
Posted via neoxian.city | The City of Neoxian
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Congratulations @goldcoin, you successfuly trended the post shared by @r2cornell!
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Thank you very much. I appreciate it
Posted via neoxian.city | The City of Neoxian
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Beautiful rose 🌹 along with other beautiful flowers and tiny plants. I like it and appreciate the healthy lifestyle. Thanks for sharing sir. Have a great weekend
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Thank you very much. I appreciate it
Posted via neoxian.city | The City of Neoxian
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I remember the past with friends when seeing flowers like this, how beautiful these flowers are
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Thank you very much. I appreciate it.
Posted via neoxian.city | The City of Neoxian
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Hermosa rosa, amigo, @r2cornell.
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Muchas gracias.
Posted via neoxian.city | The City of Neoxian
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Hola gracias por toda la información y mención de nuestro #club12 y realzar la publicación de nuestro equipo #RelacionArte.
imágenes de mi propiedad. Álbum familiar.
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su bienvenida a la mención de Club12.
Gracias por compartir estas fotos. La rosa es maravillosa, pero no reconozco la primera, que es fantástica.
Posted via neoxian.city | The City of Neoxian
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Hola @r2cornell, nos compartes una publicación que se disfruta leerla y apreciar la belleza de las flores. Saludos
@tipu curate 2
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Upvoted 👌 (Mana: 0/15 - need recharge?)
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Muchas gracias. Se lo agradezco.
Posted via neoxian.city | The City of Neoxian
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Hola @r2cornell, tiene una variedad muy bonitas de rosas y flores, ese cultivo de pepinos esta genial, yo solo he cultivado pocas cosas, esta semana comenzare con un cultivo de calabazas haber que tal me va este año.
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Muchas gracias.
Posted via neoxian.city | The City of Neoxian
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Una publicación fantástica!!!
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Muchas gracias.
Posted via neoxian.city | The City of Neoxian
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All the photos are beautiful, but I especially liked the photo of the rose. This photo has a bonus - it's a drop of water on a flower.
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Thank you very much. I appreciate it.
Posted via neoxian.city | The City of Neoxian
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Wow... esa rosa está espectacular, son mis flores favoritas, definitivamente son muy hermosas. Genial tener su propia cosecha. Saludos @r2cornell
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Muchas gracias. Estoy feliz de que hayas disfrutado de la rosa. Tengo otra belleza para la semana que viene, aunque será el día después de San Valentín. La estaba guardando para el día de San Valentín para compartirla.
Posted via neoxian.city | The City of Neoxian
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That one which you don't know the name is looking the most beautiful of this flower blog. You are very consistent with your photography blog grandpaa @r2cornell, so in that sense, you are the best steemian.
Thank you and God Bless you and your family.
Posted via neoxian.city | The City of Neoxian
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Thank you very much. I appreciate it.
Posted via neoxian.city | The City of Neoxian
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One interesting thing from this post is how we grow vegetables easily. This is important because many of the vegetables sold contain too much chemical. I just know that you very like a vegetables as well as me. I have very much vegetables my village
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I prefer growing my own vegetables for the vary reason you mention (too much use of chemicals). I am growing so many micro-greens that I may not set up any hydroponics this winter. I need to rearrange my plant room and move some things out so I can install more shelves and lights.
Posted via neoxian.city | The City of Neoxian
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Very wonderful flowers photo..
I love flower..
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Posted via neoxian.city | The City of Neoxian
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Hi, @r2cornell!
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Flower photography is very beautiful..
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Thank you
Posted via neoxian.city | The City of Neoxian
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Downvoting a post can decrease pending rewards and make it less visible. Common reasons:
Wuaooo impresionada . Me pase por aqui por el comentario de alguien y que fotos. Nueva seguidora cuando descubra como. Saludos
Downvoting a post can decrease pending rewards and make it less visible. Common reasons: