What we can do as creators !steemCreated with Sketch.

in hive-177976 •  4 years ago  (edited)


In this post I want to talk about what we can do as creators after knowing about what's happening in steem.

  • We can keep creating.
  • Keep promoting.
  • Keep creating awarness.
  • Keep spreading the truth.
  • Share our honest opinion about thigs.

Take a look at this tweet by Vitalik Buterin : https://mobile.twitter.com/VitalikButerin/status/1234522463129800709

There are others that you may take a look at, especially the one by @theycallmedan : https://mobile.twitter.com/TheycallmeDan_/status/1234524544506875904

Please join us in twitter and help us spread awareness about everything happening !


You can follow me in all these social media and let me know in the comments, how can I find you to follow :

Facebook group , Twitter, Quora, Reddit, Youtube, Instagram, TikTok , Medium, lbry , Uptrennd.

I'm promoting steem in all of them. Let's connect there and promote it together !

I'm also the founder of @dcooperation , the community where we collaborate. You're welcome to join us in our discord server.

Here is the community in beta.steemit, you can subscribe and post in it : https://beta.steemit.com/trending/hive-177976 . We are giving autoupvotes for that and you can get up to $5 upvote for that.

Check here what else I do to promote steem : The efforts I do to promote steem !

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@tipu curate

Thanks. The chain is a bit slow now, but @tipu seems working and it will upvote later.

With pleasure! You have right.

Upvoted 👌 (Mana: 20/25 - need recharge?)

I have to say that the only positive action is to create nothing. Why would I keep creating on a platform that took away my choices of who I wanted governing the chain? Ridiculous.

If you're going to create or promote, it should be about:

  • The hostile takeover.
  • Unethical behavior or the exchanges.
  • The unethical behavior of steemit and Justin.
  • How the chain could be forked.
  • How witnesses can be reinstated.

Yeah, of course. That's why I shared the links of the tweets. I can't say everything in mind here anymore. If they takeover all that, nothink will prevent them to do what they want with our accounts. For example a power down that I lanched a few month ago was stopped yesterday automatically. I'm sure I didn't do that. Also I couldn't send steem to an exchange today. Check all the details in twitter. It's even more decentralized and we got an answer even from binance creator. I will create anyway to spread awarness. Why shouldn't I. It's not the end of steem yet !

I appreciate your optimism, but I just started my power down. Steemit and Justin / Tron can't be trusted. The chain is totally centralized. The message is clear. Do what they want or be destroyed.

I wish you joined the community where everyone is talking life about the issue. I was powering down even before, but it doesn't mean that I was giving up. The most important is to stand with the community !

I've been around and very active on this issue. Mostly on Twitter.

There are too much creators. Where are the content consumers?
Nowadays most of the posts on the Steem blockchain are either ignored or overlooked, because most of the users are focusing on content creation.

People need to quit panicking. I think we are just going to be fine. As Clix says keep creating content

For sure. Yesterday we had a big conference with a lot of witnesses and whales and a lot of dedicated steemians. I think our community is strong and it will find the solution for sure !