Empty pockets never held anyone back.

in hive-178828 •  5 months ago 


We all have a steady excuse for our current status and why we're where we are, "lack of money", and if you tried asking anyone why he didn't succeed in life the first thing he'd say is: I didn't have enough money, I didn't have enough resources, ....etc.

If you read some of the famous success stories you'll immediately realize that a lot of people achieved massive success in life despite the fact they've started from the bottom, and they had nothing at all, maybe even less than you have now.

If you don't believe me, just check Jack Ma's success story for instance.

Money is often the first excuse we mention to justify our current status, but are we skilled enough that money is the only problem? Do we have the required skills to succeed? Are we disciplined and consistent enough to achieve success? I can ask a hundred more similar questions and you'll find that the answer is almost always: "No".

Stop thinking the lack of money as the greatest barrier you have in life, because as Norman Vincent Peale said:

"Empty pockets never held anyone back. Only empty heads and empty hearts can do that."

Just try to get rid of your excuses, searching for the root problems, destroy your ego and ask yourself: "What do I lack that is stopping me from succeeding?" I'm sure you'll find good answers that will change your entire life!

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