Hi how are you hope you will be fine and spend a healthy life with your loved once and I am also fine and spend a healthy life with my children |
Today I want to participate in this contest which is held by m-fdo and I am honoired that I participate in this beautiful contest ehi h is truly based lot of fun and some wonderfull thoughts
So let start our activity without any delay and I start my activity with paper colour and stationary
Sr | material |
1 | paper |
2 | marker |
3 | paint colour |
4 | stationary |
5 | pencil colour set |
First I take paper and my stationary box and colour set I complete my things to draw the hand beg that you can see in the picture
Then I draw the structure of beg and I draw the first half portion and I made the curve of beg and made and I draw a heart in the uper side of beg that you can see in the picture
I draw the chain to lift the hand beg and in the chain I made some small circle and connect the chain from the beg you can easily see in the picture
I draw,some small heart in the middle of beg and draw some small flower and draw small half circle to carry the hand beg
Now its time to colour in this picture and first I take paint colour to colour in this picture and I do blue colour for the base of hand beg and then I do red colour in the hearts then I do pastel colour for the chain and small flower
Then I do purpel colour in the chain and pink colour in the flower now I complete my drawing of hand beg I recheck my drawing then I totally satisfy to the drawing
Now I lebel the drawing with my user name and mention the community name and date and take selfie with my drawing of hand beg that you can see in the picture
special thanks @m-fdo