Which is very important for children's brain development: Studying or Playing?"

in hive-179660 •  8 months ago 

Hi, how are we doing today? Best wishes from this end dear family. May the Lord bless and protect us all have a wonderful day.

A child's brain unlike an adult is not occupy with many ideas on this or that and therefore absorbs fast whatever comes into contact with but does remember a little. And for a child's brain to development, studying and playing both aid in the development,but most important is the playing.


When a child plays by using some items now or today after relaxing he can still come to the same point and continue because he is the initiator unlike what is being initiated by someone. That's why some children sleep will be discussing their activities with their friends in terms of dreams. Is just someone who writes an essay by himself and one who relies on another cannot fluently defend it.

What is more important for children in their childhood, playing or studying?

As earlier said, both playing and studying are important for children in their childhood but more importantly is playing.
Even as an adult what is seen and touch is remembered as what is just said. Even though the child's brain is not yet occupy with the realities of life, he can be remembering what has been taught but can remember best what he has played with.

Some of the things that children play with are things they come to meet in their studies, like phyisics, chemistry, agricultural science, marketing, home management and catering etc. As the grow to meet them in their studies the tend to recollect what they did in their childhood days.

Mostly when children come back from school after their meal, if they can remember anything to do is to go back to what the have played with the previous day.
The development of a child is to use the studies with playing to enable his brain to develop.

Are today's children lagging in studies and sports? If yes, explain the reason.

Today's children are lagging in both studies and sporting activities.
The current curriculum does not emphasis much on sporting, so many courses were Incorporated into the curriculum and a little emphasis is laid on sporting, moreover most of our secondary schools in Nigeria are operating a day system whereby when learners dismisses from school to home they usually find it difficult to return for sporting in the evening.

Unlike when most secondary schools in those days were operating body systems, where students were confined within the school premises and can return to field and engaged in sports under the supervision of the game masters.

Because of the day's system operation about 90 percent of learners don't return for sports after dismissal for the day.
And in primary the entering age also discourages sporting. Pupils between the ages of about 2 years are being enrolled without considering maturity because is hurrying their kids to be educated and become productive in society.

These day most children are lagging in education because of the government's attitude towards engagement in the service. Today Nigeria , emphasis most on certificates and not what you can use your mental and physical abilities to do. This is because to be engaged in productive service one must know someone or someone who knows someone, which makes most students read just to get the certificate not what they can be able to do.

Is online education useful to your children?


Online education is receive through media ,screens and other social medias.
It is not too useful to children because it lacks social interaction. Children don't interact with their peer group. Interacting with classmates and peer groups exposes children to learning more.

Also, like the African countries that are developing, most African villages lack good road networks, and electricity especially where light is required in online studies. It means only children of the well to do or those residing in the cities centres can afford to learn.

Learning is more concrete when the children watch and act. But online they can only watch the facilitator and may not express themselves well because it is online.

How does online education affect your
children's mental and physical health

Online education has both positive and negative effects on children's mental and physical health, positively it enables a child to learn at his pace without much stress.
It also exposes a child to a wide range of learning materials.

It also exposes a child to new educational platforms where he acquires different technological skills. It enhances self-discipline and motivation as children try to learn on their own.

And the negative side of it is, the child is isolated and lacks social interaction.
A lazy child cannot learn well.
The child will lack exposure.

Thanks for the time to go through what I have for the day.
Have a wonderful time and remain blessed.

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