Contest Alert πŸ”” || A Letter to My Future Self

in hive-179660 β€’Β  4 months agoΒ 


today I want to take part in a contest organized by @deepak94 entitled Contest Alert πŸ”” || Letter to My Future Self

Hi future me.

As I write this letter, I am in a time full of challenges and uncertainty. I want you to know that this is one of the most difficult moments of my life. I don't know what happens after this, or how the future will shape up. However, I wrote it for myself, to remind you of the struggle I am going through and to give me encouragement so that I can survive, no matter how difficult the conditions are.

Now I feel like I'm in a dark tunnel. There are so many things that feel very stressful, starting from work that doesn't go according to expectations, relationships with those closest to you that feel strained and anxiety about the future that becomes more and more looming every day. It felt like there was so much to do, but I didn't know where to start. Sometimes I feel like I'm running aimlessly, not knowing whether I'm getting closer to the end of the tunnel or farther from the light.

At work there is intense pressure. All work demands feel increasingly numerous, while time feels increasingly limited. Even though I try my best, I sometimes feel like I'm not enough. When I saw friends or coworkers who seemed to be coping more easily, I felt isolated and unable to keep up with their rhythm. Will I be able to survive this job? I wonder if this is the right path for me, or if I should look for an alternative that suits me better. But I'm afraid that I made the wrong move, or that I can't deal with it well enough.


Apart from that, there is also a feeling of loneliness that comes unexpectedly. Even though I am surrounded by people, there are times when I feel very isolated. When I try to talk about my feelings, I find it difficult to find the right words. It felt like I wasn't truly understood and that made this feeling even harder. Sometimes I feel like the world is moving so fast while I'm left behind, not knowing how to catch up or adapt.

Not only that, the uncertainty of the future makes me even more anxious. Will all this get better? Will I find the right path? I know life is full of company, but this uncertainty sometimes feels like a burden I can't escape. I worry about the upcoming decision, whether I will make the right choice or become more and more trapped in doubt.


But even though I feel all these difficulties, there is one thing I want to remember. That every challenge, every difficulty is part of the life journey that I have to go through. I want to know, my future self, that even though I feel tired and depressed right now, I will still try. I try to persist and keep moving even though I don't know where these steps will take me.

I hope you have found peace within yourself, have found a clearer direction and no longer feel burdened by the same doubts. I hope you have learned to accept yourself with all your weaknesses and strengths. I want you to remember that no matter what happens, every step I take now is part of the process of becoming the best version of myself.

If you read this letter in the future, I want you to smile, because you have survived these difficult times. I want you to know that I remain hopeful and praying that things will get better. I want you to maintain your enthusiasm to keep moving forward, even though it is sometimes difficult. Don't forget that whatever happens, you are not alone and every challenge is an opportunity to learn and grow.

Thank you for keeping fighting, Me. I believe in the future, you will look back on all this and feel proud that you didn't give up.

I invited three friends @fajrulakmal99 @humaidi and @patjewell

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Greetings full of hope. I am the one who is struggling now. Greetings @aril.hatake.

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Masa depan kita tak ada satu pun yang tahu kecuali Allah SWT, kita hanya menjalaninya saja sesuai skenarionya Allah, saya juga yakin walaupun sekarang kita dalam keadaan terpuruk dan bimbang mungkin Allah sedang menyiapkan sesuatu yang tidak kita sangka-sangka di depan mata.

Ingat bg roda itu selalu berputar kadang di bawah kadang diatas atau bisa juga di samping, hihihihi......tetap semangat bg, saya juga sedang berjuang saat ini, walaupun belum mendapatkan hasil dari perjuangan saya,🀝🌹

Terima kasih atas komentarnya yang membuat saya semangat..

Sukses untuk ibu juga

Nah....gitu dong tetap semangat apa pun keadaannya, amin, terimakasih juga atas doa terbaiknya,