I find this diary interesting to participate in. It provides us the opportunity to engage in a meaningful reporting of how we prepare our various meals. When we have our meals in their right portion, the right nutrients, and at the right time, we would be healthy and strong.
Good foods supplies our body with needed vitamin and minerals that enables our body to function well. This makes it important for us to prepare and have healthy meals in the morning as breakfast, afternoon as lunch, and night as dinner.
I am now here to present my food diary to this great and wonderful community.
After rising from the bed in the mornig, I performed some house chores like sweeping and mobing. Befors I could even finish the chores, is about 8:05 am and I started feeling hungry. But I did not want to take a heavy food. I just wanted some light food. Because of this, I now decided to go for tea as my breakfast. Of course tea is easy to prepare especially in the morning when you wake and you are you feeling hungry. I got some cubes of sugar, hot water in the flask some sarchets of milk to prepare the tea as my breakfast.
Beween 12 noon to 2:00pm, my system became empty again and this time, I had to go for plantain pepper soup . I hurriedly bashed into the kitchen to get some plantain. I pilled off the quantiry that I want and washed it. I got the ingredients ready to prepare the plantain pepper soup. The ingrediensts that I used inclide:
- Dry pepper
- Onions
- stock cubes
- Crayfish
- Salt
- Curry leaf
- palm oil
With these items, food would be made delicious.
The pot is now hot so I poured the palm oil into it and after 20 seconds, I brought the ingredients together, poured it into the pot and stired it for proper mix up. After ten seconds of boiling I washed the plantain and poured into the pot. It boiled for about 12 minuites and then I brought it . The food is now ready as you all could see.
As the evening approaches, I also did not want to go to bed with an empty stomach. This time around, I made coconut rice to take as my dinner.
I got one head of coconut, broke it in pieces and used a local scrape to further grind it to smaller particles. I then boiled hot water to soak the coconut after grinding it.
While the coconut remains in the hot water, I started to prepare other ingredients. The ingredients that I used for the plantain pepper soup were also whtat I used to prepare the coconut rice. A minor difference is just that I brought tomatoes to prepare this rice. Let me just show the ingredients once again that includes:
- Fresh pepper
- Onions
- stock cubes
- Crayfish
- Salt
- Curry leaf
- Vegetable oil
- Sachet tomatoes
I got these ingredients ready as I started to parboil the rice and wash it before cooking.
After washing the rice, all is now set to start the main cooking. I placed the pot on fire and poured the vegetable oil into it. After few seconds, I brought the other ingredients, mixed them together into the pot to make it fried. It boils for 3 three minuites after which I now poured the water from the sieved coconut into the pot and stired it properly. I waited for like 5 minuites to pour the rice into the pot and cobered it. I now went to take my night showers while the food is still on fire.
After several minuites of taking my bath, the food becomes done and I brought it down to dish out this delicious coconut rice as you could see me carrying it to enjoy it.
This is a complete or comprehensive activities that formed my day"s diary today the 22nd February, 2025.
I therefore call on the entire @hindwhale community, to enjoy this delicious coconut rice with me!
I invite: