I find it fun in sharing how I spent my day here in this community. It makes me to engage in a meaningful activity during the day and then, give a good account of how I spent it.
Imagine the fun to share what we are doing when at home. Maybe cleaning the environment, cooking, washing clothes, playing games, selling in the market, washing clothes, you jusr name it. As a lover of diary game, I would not hesitate to share to this wonderful community, how I made use of this day. It is meaninfuly fun all the way.....
I divided my day activities in three sessions as follows:
Morning Activity
Afternoon Activity
Evening Activity
Keeping our environment clean is one the basic exercise that we ought to do in order to live a healtgy life. We would be exposed to the risk of contracting all sorts of diseases when the environment is not kept clean. In this my morning activity, I notice that weeds have started growing around my surrounding. I do not like to see weeds grow arround my surrounding because it could attract all sort of insects and and animals. So for this reason, I normally have to do envirinmental clean up exercuse at least, once in a month.
I took my shovel, cuttlass, and rake to do the clean up. I Used the shovel to weed off the grasses. The shovel makes it faster for me than any other tool tool for weeding.
After the weeding, I held unto my rake to garther the weeds. The raking makes the environment to look beautiful after weeding off the grasses.
After the doing the environmental clean up exercise I became hungry and had to take my bath and look for food to eat. I ate rice with chicken sauce.
It is already weekend so I used it to look into the areas that requires to be given attention. My wardrobe is another area where I needed to look into. Moving into the room, I went straight to my wardrobe as there some clothes that are dirty needed to be washed. I brought them out for washing as the sun was intense to dry them.
After few hours of washing and hanging them in the sun, they got dry as fast as possible. The clothes dried fast because in my country, we are still in the dry season.
As the clothes get dry, I brought them in for ironing. Ironing helps in maintaining our clothes by straighting it and preserving it to last for some time. We look good when we wear or put on an ironed clothes. So it is good for us to get our clothes ironed.
My Night Diary: How I prepared my dinner
Just as the night drew near, I had to prepare plantain to take as my dinner. I brought an unriped plantain and cut it to two equal parts. Then I boiled it for about 15 minuites. I brought it down and removed the plantian from the hot water.
Then I had to bring the items to prepare the stew to be used to eat the plantain. Going first, I brought some fresh tomatoes and sliced it together with the onions. Other items used I used to make the tomatoe stew include:
- Maggi and salt
- Pepper
- Gallic
- Curry leaves
- Crayfish
Switching on the fire, I poured the vegetable oil into the pot. After some minuites, the oil steamed then I poured salt into the oil followed with the onions. I later poured the tomatoes and crayfish. Added to it was the pepper, maggi and crayfish. All were mixed together and left to boil about 15 minuites and I brought it down.
At about 17 minuites, the meal was made available and ready to eat just as you could see.
This is how I spent my day, which I could also call my diary game.
I now invite the following: