Steemit Engagement Challenge / S16/W4 - "Children Vs Extracurricular Activities "

in hive-179660 •  10 months ago 

Children Vs Extracurricular Activities



Good day to you, I welcome you to my page.

Here I'm going to be discussing about the topic Children Vs Extracurricular Activities.

I talk about the effect of extracurricular activities on children.

As you go through the write-up, I hope it will be worth your while.

How can extracurricular activities help children's physical and mental growth?

Extracurricular activities can have a positive impact on children as it can expand their world through access to skills and opportunities socially that might not have been available had it been they didn't partake in the extra curricular activities.

Extracurricular activities help children to go deeper into the interests they already have and which might not have been taught in school.

It also helps to improve socialization amongst the children. As they participate in the activities, they might not have been able to do them in school before or do them with a certain group of people.

Now they get to interact with just about anybody which is very important to bringing about social interactions and skills.

Do today's children like extracurricular activities, or are they forced to participate by their parents?

My personal opinion on this is that today's children don't like extracurricular activities.

The reason being is that they are part of this digital world where everyone is connected to their phones and laptops.

They would rather be on social media than partake in any extracurricular activities.

In addition, there are online games which children of all ages and countries that can participate. They would rather prefer to participate than join any extracurricular activities.

So I believe most times their parents forces them to join any extracurricular activity.

They don't usually do it out of their own volition.

Is extracurricular activity necessary for children?

It is necessary but not important.

It helps to build so many aspects of children which they can begin to use an rely on when they become adults.

It helps to build their character and ideologies as they participate in it once in a while in their lives.

It brings out the best in them (and worst too sometimes) as the participate in such activities.

One thing is certain, their lives will never remain the same by virtue of being among those that take these extracurricular activities seriously.

Which are the best extracurricular activities for today's children?

Games has been the best extracurricular activities and will continue to be one of the best activities to engage in.

The reason is because games are competitive in nature and so brings about qualities and charecter development based on competitions.

It also brings about excitement and fun as no one knows who the winner can be or what they can do as they participate in the extracurricular activities.

It is during the activities that you begin to see the abilities of others.

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I agree with you bro as you said extra activities create positive reactions in children and teach skills that children don't learn in school it instills deep confidence.You are right that extra activities also improve social relations as children meet each other and learn something new.

Extracurricular children's activities can continue children's mental development and make them happy. Here they have responsibility, discipline, some things they can be good at, other physical fitness, football, swimming, cultural activities, theater or other sports that strengthen children physically and mentally.