My dream will definitely come true.

in hive-179660 •  6 months ago 

Indeed dreams do come true, as humans, it's normal for us to always dream big so that we can achieve greatness in life.
Some have a gift from God that all their dreams always come to reality, and we as humans don't joke with such people.

You must have seen many dreams in your life, which of them have been fulfilled and which have not been fulfilled?


Yes, I have definitely dreamed about many things in life, and some have come to reality while some are not yet fulfilled in my life.
When I was younger, I always saw myself becoming successful in the future in a sense that I provide for myself even before my parents will even want to provide for me.

Also, being able to provide what I need without seeking assistance from my parents is another dream that has been fulfilled in my life.

I saw myself being a helping person who loves to put a smile on people's faces, especially spending quality time with children. Each time i am sleeping, I always see myself in the dream of playing and having fun with kids, and it has been fulfilled in my life.


Becoming a member of the Nigerian Navy is the dream that is yet to be fulfilled in my life, I have seen myself several times working as a Nigerian Navy personnel in the dream but it yet to come into reality, though I have tried to join the job severs times all to no avail because all of my journey and struggle were unsuccessful.
Maybe this is not the time that God has chosen for me to join the Nigerian Navy, but definitely, I will surely be a member very soon by the special grace of Allah.

Do you want to fulfil that unfulfilled dream, and if so, how will you do it?


Yes, of course, I definitely want to fulfil this unfulfilled dream of mine because it is very important to determine my success in life.
This job will put a smile on the face of everyone around me and most especially my parents, in fact my mother, in particular because she has suffered just for me to achieve this dram of mine.

Becoming a member of the Nigerian will be the best thing that will ever happen to me because I just can't imagine myself achieving my childhood dream and also doing what my heart and soul accept.

I will definitely apply for the job online and then wait for the procedures and follow them accordingly, I have had experience with all the processes, so it will not be a new thing to me.
By the special grave of God almighty, I believe this time around, he will surely see me through this journey of life that I have chosen.

How will you celebrate when your unfulfilled dream is fulfilled?


Wow, this is a feeling that I am waiting for all through my life, and I will be the happiest man on earth the day this dram of mine is fulfilled.
That day will be the best day of my life, and I will make sure to make it memorable by celebrating it with all my friends and family members.

Firstly, I will go to the church to do a thanksgiving to God almighty for making my dream come to reality and aldo given me the grace to fulfil my dream.
I will make sure that I buy valuable items to the alter of God to celebrate my success in life.

I will also organise a small event with my friends like a get together to celebrate my success, this will be a huge achievement for me and I will definitely make sure that I celebrate it to the fullest.
Becoming a success man and being able to take of yourself and provide for your family is definitely the dream of even man so for me to become a member of the Nigerian Navy it will be the best gift from God.

I am inviting @pandora2010, @josepha, @simonnwigwe, @evisionaria and @mona01 to join me and participate in this wonderful contest


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God will grant you your heart desires and you will become part of the Nigerian navy as you desire

Thanks bro 🫂
