"Which woman would you like to remember this Women's Day?".

in hive-179660 •  2 days ago 

The best mum in the world is the woman I would love to celebrate and remember on Women's day, she brought me into this world and has done a lot for me my mother is the reason I am where I am today and I will forever be greatfull to her.
Not only on Women's Day, I celebrate my mum every time I have the opportunity because she deserves the best.

Who is that worthy woman you are thinking of on this special day?(Share her photo if possible)

I call her my everything, the motivator of my life and also the best mum in the world.
My mum is has done so much and also sacrifice a lot for me to be alive today, I can remember those days when my dad was barely at home due to his occupation my mum make sure that we don't miss him in anyway she provides everything we need at home and sometimes she goes to bed without eating just for us to be satisfied that sacrifice was very crucial to our development.

My mum also taught us how to be very responsible to ourselves, how to take very good care of our siblings and also respect our elders.
My mum means the whole world to me, and I am very lucky to call her son. Even in the next world, I will still want to be called her son because her types are few.

What special quality did she have, and how did it help you or this society?

The quality of always seeing the future and prediction what will happen to someone.
My mum right fro childhood have this gift of prediction something that is going to happen, several times we have argued about something and when we discover the truth I will find out that my mum is correct, since then anything she tell me I won't argue again.

You can't hide something from her, this is a veey strong quality that my mum possess, no matter anything you do that isn't good she will easily find out and you will be very shocked.

My mum is a virtuous woman and also a blessing to my life her qualities have made me a better person today.
In the whole of our society, everyone knows her to be a very good woman. All the little children in our area love her so much because of her good character and qualities.

What lesson did you learn from her?


My mum taught me to always be contented with what I have, she always told me to live my own life and never get jealous of someone's progress, instead I should learn to celebrate with them because one day definitely people will celebrate my progress.

I learned how to be very prayerful and serious in church activities. My mum always makes sure thafi goes to church and stays away from bad friends.
This has really contributed to my overall wellin life because she taught me how to hustle and make my own money.


I also learned how to be independent, especially when it comes to money. No matter how rich your family members are, it's advisable that you make your won money.
That's why i am currently a blogger in this platform, hustling for money to take good care of myself and my mum especially.

I learned so many things from my mum, and I just can tell you all of it because they many, so all I will say is that I am very lucky to have her into my life.

How would you express your gratitude to her on this day?


To express my Ernest gratitude to my mum on this special day, i am planning a surprise mini party for her she deserves all the good things om earth so I will make sure I do that for her.
I will buy some gift or her and also thank her so much for everything she has done for me because without her I don't know where I would have been today.

My mum is my everything and I pray she stays alive to enjoy the fruits ofnher labour.

I am inviting @josepha, @pandora2010, @lirvic and @ulfatulrahmah to participate in this wonderful contest

Cc: @jyoti-thelight
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