Steemit Engagement Challenge S6/W5 - What were some of your childhood dreams, and how did they come true?

in hive-179660 •  2 years ago 

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12 years back was little introverted me in a delusion
I was being so sensitive about many things. I also had this lackadaisical attitude towards reading books but sat still as a log of wood when read to me. I had this inevitable love for the clouds that I stare are them almost often, not knowing why.

My dreams about life as an introvert sprang from a cartoon movie I watched namedBarney. This was my first childhood movie although I was more attentive to pictures, body movements, actions and thoughts than to spoken words. The character Barney was this inspirational being every kid would love to be.

He told the kids stories about journeys of life, big dreams, human qualities, kindness, love and many other things. I wanted to be like this sensational being and that was my biggest dream.

My dreams also sprang from lessons I learn from my parents both academically, physically and socially. I have a million childhood dreams to mention but a few.

My childhood dreams

During my childhood, I had a million dreams that kept me away sometimes. My dreams were basically on what I felt, saw and not even what I thought about.

  • Becoming a content writer: I had this dream that one day I'll be able to express my thoughts about certain things I'm passionate about in writing as I was more introverted than extroverted or probably an ambivert.

I couldn't express myself, feelings and innermost thoughts orally, but a sentence or paragraph was enough. My mind do flash to how writers of books started of which I can vividly remember a story of how a renowned writer today began his journey to the writing space.



Currently, I'm learning content writing from steemit platform although my mind and soul is more inclined to academics. I must say that my Steemit journey is a Hallmark to achieving one of my dreams which is content writing.

Asides Creating contents, I'm passionate about learning sentence construction, words that read meaning, vocabulary development and use of idioms to express feelings, emotions, thoughts and motions. Steemit has had this impact on my writing skills that I think thoughts almost everyday.

  • Raising creative and financially independent people: This had also been one of my childhood dreams. Back in the days, we learn from experiences. Asides my mother telling me stories of how the poor, people with low standard of living and those who faced serious challenging situations were empowered and elevated from their slums into becoming better individuals.

I also experience first-hand how some were helped to receive basic knowledge, something they never dreamt of. I was so passionate about doing this since the world's population harbors over 60% of people whose standards of living is low. This seemed to be a dream come through when I joined steemit.

Since it's basically free, I chose to promote the platform to as many as possible most especially to the less privilege so that they can benefit as well. Currently, I've been able to raise some from their initial state to an independent state. I've also raised content writers as well.

..A wise man once said; " If you have basic knowledge, share it. You don't know how many lives you'll save doing so".


  • Having the best of academic results: This has been my biggest dream. I could write a thousand words on this. My parents have spent a lot on me just to make sure I'm educated and information through formal education. As a way of payback, I chose to make them proud by my performance academically.

This has kept them going and it would never occur to them that they've wasted money on me. Becoming top in wherever I fit in has always been my dream and ambition and I'm so glad it's fulfilling. Nothing brings me greater satisfaction when you worked very hard to achieve something and you see the positive result in relation to the effort you put.

I've never had records of low grades and I'm still excelling in the academic field. I had and have dreams of becoming a reputable person from the job careers the academic sector offers. I've never let my guard down no matter the pressure, sayings of others and discouragement.

  • Motivational speaker/being a source of inspiration and Creating impact on lives:
    It was my dream to motivate people. Throughout my stay on earth, I've been motivated physically and spiritually and so I thought of doing same to those who are emotionally downcast, those who have academic dementia, those who are struggling with life's anxiety and those who lack physically composure.

I've been doing this on WhatsApp social media every morning and I've helped many have positive mindset when carrying out the day's journey.



  • Creating a topology:
    Creating a topology of friends has always been my phobia as I was an introvert. I found it hard to connect with people and I dreamt that someday I would be able to do so. Currently, I've created a topology of friends, not just friends but genuine friends. This has been a dream come true.
  • Pharmacist/Teacher:
    These has been my future goals. I dreamt of being a pharmacist one day since my dreams of being of doctor died due to the fact that I hate the site of blood. I had to nurture this dream but also, I love sharing knowledge and teaching people. So I was indecisive on which to go for. My academic efforts put into achieving this dreams were base on consistency and determination. Currently, I'm studying one of my dream course in college. So with this, I can say I'm on the pathway to fulfilling my dreams.



You may not be opportune to do what it take or you may not have what it takes to fulfilling your dreams due to certain circumstances beyond your control, but you can mend and create a new dream if those you had during childhood didn't come through.

Sometimes dreams are too late to achieve depending on how we took it then. We shouldn't give up or look like a complete failure. You can change the world and your life with three things....

When you dream, take Action towards achieving those dreams. Determination is a quality every dreamer must have. If you aren't determined to achieve what you planned, you won't achieve it. Be consistent as circumstances arising might be an obstacle. Thank you.

My achievement 1 is verified.

I invite @dorismos and @safemoontech52


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Cuando vemos los sueños realizados, quedamos sorprendidos y lleno de alegría de ver que con esfuerzo es mucho lo que se puede lograr.

Espero sigas cumpliendo tus sueños.
Éxito en el concurso.

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Your writeup motivates me a lot. Thanks for sharing this with us

You are doing well in achieving your dreams young man!
It just show, dreams can be achieved!
Well done! 🤛

Your post has been supported by @josevas217 from team 2 of the Community Curation Program, at 30%. We invite you to continue sharing quality content on the platform, and continue to enjoy support, and also a likely spot in our weekly top 7.
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