Welcome back friends!!!..
In today's contest, I will gladly be leading you in a topic of today that gets us to think out of the box pertaining to the headline hint given. Please stay tuned to see what I have got for you today, thanks for giving ears dearies..
Assuming waking up this morning and then I realize I'm just 1 inch tall 😱... I will be shocked at first and wonder what on earth had happened to my whole six fit tallness. Seriously to me, it will be like the world is starting afresh for me and I will also reason that maybe God has taken me to another world and so? I'm a child there.
Meanwhile, "igbos" the tribe from where i come from will think that you have been bewitched.😅😅. That is how they will think and you might even be banned from existing among the community members.
You know there's a song that one of our artist sang "Adulthood na scam". Supooding this kind of thing happened to me, it will be like a fulfilling thing that i have finally and once again become a child to enjoy life in a big man's house without stress. And truly knowing fulling well what adulthood was, I will save in my saving box, so that growing to that adulthood stage won't be hard for me again.
While still Small, all those playful things I didn't do in my life, I will make sure I don't miss any, I will even let my self to be more open to learn some more things in school. Be creative and share knowledge with my fellow little ones.🤭
Photo by Pixabay:
But then, 😢being one fit tall? I won't be able to handle my device because my parents won't let me handle it. In fact what in God's name am i going to type? I will literally miss being online in Steemit and loosing away all my whole time eating and enjoying life.
On a very serious note, I wouldn't joke with the tiny being I have become, because life tells us that in any situation we are into, we should give God thanks. So? I will appreciate God because he knows the reason why he made me small all of a sudden, that means there are things I still need to tidy up before I grow back big.
I do like to invite @chiomi @hannybanny @estem to join the contest.