Steemit Engagement Challenge / S16/W6 - "What happens if motor vehicles are banned around the world?

in hive-179660 •  7 months ago 

Hello everyone I hope you are all ok and enjoy the good life by the grace of Allah Almighty I am here for participate in the amazing engagement challenge which organised by the Hindwhale Community the name of this challenge is What happens if motor vehicles are banned around the world? so let's start;


Picture is taken from Freepik

What happens if motor vehicles are banned around the world?

Motor vehicles were prohibited around the world, it would fundamentally affect transportation, economy, and way of life. Public transportation frameworks would become fundamental, prompting interests in foundation like rail routes and transports.

Elective methods of transportationy, for example, cycling and strolling would increment, advancing better ways of life however possibly restricting extremely long travel. Enterprises dependent on car assembling and fuel creation would confront commotion, prompting employment misfortunes and monetary rebuilding.


Picture is taken from Freepik

Notwithstanding, there would be positive results, including decreased air contamination, gridlock, and reliance on petroleum derivatives, adding to ecological maintainability and general wellbeing upgrades.

Will humans again seek the help of animals for transport?

It's possible that people could go to creatures for transport in certain specific circumstances assuming engine vehicles were restricted around the world. . In provincial or far off districts, where elective transportation decisions are confined, animals like horses, asses, or camels could be utilized for development and transportation of product.


Picture is taken from Freepik

Besides, in unambiguous wearing or group environments, practices like horseback riding or canine sledding could experience a resurgence. In any case, far reaching reception of creature controlled transport on a scale practically identical to the past is improbable because of variables like urbanization, mechanical progressions, and moral contemplations in regards to creature government assistance.

How would our environment be without motor vehicles?

Without motor vehicles, the climate would encounter huge enhancements. Decreased air contamination from exhaust discharges would prompt cleaner air and worked on respiratory wellbeing for people and untamed life.

Commotion contamination levels would diminish, helping both metropolitan and rustic regions. lAlso, the removal of oil based commodity use by vehicles would add to alleviating ecological change by diminishing ozone hurting substance outpourings.


Picture is taken from Pixabay

The reclamation of normal scenes recently affected by streets and roadways would likewise happen, advancing biodiversity and biological system wellbeing. Generally speaking, the shortfall of engine vehicles would bring about a better, more supportable climate for people in the future.

What will it be if humans invent any form of transportation other than the motor in the future?

Assuming people design transportation techniques other than engine vehicles later on, it could change how we move and associate with our current circumstance. Potential outcomes remember headways for hyperloop innovation for rapid travel, broad reception of electric vertical departure and landing (eVTOL) airplane for metropolitan portability, or even forward leaps in instant transportation or levitation innovation.


Picture is taken from Pixabay

Such developments could prompt quicker, more productive, and harmless to the ecosystem transportation frameworks, decreasing blockage, discharges, and travel times. Moreover, it could open up new wildernesses for investigation and network, changing the manner in which we live, work, and travel on a worldwide scale.

Thank you

Achievement 1

written by:@cryptoloover


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Dear ,
you have shared a nice tropic with us .Going through your post , I come to know that you gave various answer about your post.If the motorcar ban ,we will suffer a lot of .It took long time to reach from one place to another places.If the people can take help from other vehicle,it will not be better than the other vehicle think that if there is no vehicles we will suffer a lot. we can not move easily from one place to another.If we use other vehicle instead of motorcar ,our environment will be from all kind of pollution. So, we all should participate in this competition to know various things.All the best.


Greetings Dear @cryptoloover
Imagining a world without motor vehicles unveils a serene harmony where nature thrives and humanity reconnects. Your insightful exploration of alternatives, from animal-powered transport to futuristic innovations, paints a vivid tapestry of possibility. It's a captivating journey towards sustainability and innovation, reminding us that in embracing change, we sculpt a brighter future for generations to come. Truly inspiring