Contest | "Correlation Between Parenting And Child Behaviour"

in hive-179660 •  3 months ago 

Friends,I am happy to be back after a brief illness which made me inactive for sometime now. For the topic at hand, below is my take.

First of all,we must remember that shaping a child's behaviour is just like nurturing a young plant,and also influencing an adults behaviour is like prunning a mature tree. Both require care, patience and understanding. By acknowledging the complexities of human development and approaching each individual with empathy,we can actually foster growth and positive changes at any stage in life.

How does parenting affect child behaviour? Is there any correlation between them?


Parenting and child behaviour are two things that are super connected!

Think of it like this, parenting is like planting a seed in the ground,you nurture it, water it, give it sunlight and hope it grows into a beautiful flower. But if you don't take care of it properly,it might not turn out as lovely as you imagined.

Same goes with kids. How you parent them shapes their behaviour and also helps them grow into good humans. If you are patient, understanding and supportive, there's every tendency that they are more likely to develop good habits and a positive attitude. But if you're too strict, neglectful or harsh, they might Develop behavioural issues or struggle with self esteem.

It's just like dancing,you lead and they follow. Your actions and words are likely mirrors, reflecting back at them and teaching them how to behave. So if you want your little ones to be kind, respectful and confident,you have to model those behaviours yourself.

Of course, every child is different and what works for one night not work for another. But one thing is for sure, parenting plays a huge role in shaping those little humans into the people they will become. So let's strive to be the best parents we can be and help our kids grow into amazing individuals.

Is parenting alone responsible for child behaviour or are there any other factors too? What are they? Explain

To be honest, parenting is a huge influence on a child's behaviour,but it's not the only factor. Parenting is one ingredient but there are other factors that add flavor and texture to a child's development. Let's take a look at them one after the other 👇

Genetics play a role

Kids inherit traits and temperaments from their parents such as predisposition to anxiety or an outgoing personality.

Environment also matters

The community, school and social circle a child grows up in can shape their behaviour and values.

Media and technology


The shows they watch, games they play and social media they use can influence their behaviour and attitudes.

Additionally,a child's individual personality and temperament such as being introverted or extroverted,it can affect how they behave and respond to situations. And again, let's not forget about nutrition, excercise and physical health,a healthy body and brain can impact behaviour and mood.

Just look at it like a puzzle where parenting is one piece but all these other factors mentioned above fit together to create the complete picture of a child's behaviour 💯.

Can we change a child's behaviour after they are grown up?


If you are wondering if if we can still shape an adults behaviour? Well the answer is yes and no, below is my reasons.

Now think of it like a tree. When a tree is still small or Young, it's very easy to shape and mold it's branches ,but once it's grown, it's shape is already set. However, with some effort,you can still trim and also prune it to change it's shape a bit.

Talking about adults, it's similar. Their habits and behaviors are pretty set or ingrained, but with effort and motivation,they can still change. Though it might take more time and work,but it's possible

The key point is to understand that adults are more set in their ways,so it's important to approach them with empathy and understanding rather than trying to fix them,you can start by encouraging and supporting them in making small changes.

I am inviting @saintkelving17, @patjewell, @shabbir86 and @pea07 to participate in this Contest.

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Upvoted! Thank you for supporting witness @jswit.


You are right when you said parenting is like planting flowers whereby you will need to water it, nurture it and take proper care of it so it can grow to look beautiful. And when you fail to do so the flowers will end up not surviving or surviving but it won't look beautiful.

Children also need to be nurtured and trained properly by their parents in order to become responsible and respectful people when they grow up, and when the parents fail in parenting, the children will end up growing to become wayward and worthless.

Very correct

  ·  3 months ago (edited)

This is interesting, I have seen a family whereby the parent are been respected and honour in the society because they live a good life but along the line, one of the family member possess opposite of the lifestyle. Who are to blame? The parent? in my own opinion, I think it's all depend on the life children want to live. Being a good parent doesnt mean all the children I'll be good but parent still need to know how to nurture and train their children in appropriate way. My contribution. Good luck to you.

Thank you brother