Steemit Engagement Challenge / S19/W2 - "Life without electricity"

in hive-179660 •  3 months ago  (edited)

Hello steemians!!

I am very excited to share my details about this contest with all of you. I think this is a very important topic to talk about and there has been a lot of debate about it through out decades, We human are build in a way that we always try to find ease and shortcut in each and everything. If we make mistakes we try to blame other for it. Hence we are never satisfied.

I think there is a great need to understand the importance of each and everything we have from home devices and machines to electricity and water. Hence ,We try our best to waste things and resources made my humans with sweat and blood. Let us not waste any time and let us dive more into how would "Life be without electricity ".

A little more in introduction I would like to say that We need to at least imagine and visualize how people with no WIFI and no electricity invented them .How ??
This isn't something easy to do .It takes a lot of effort ,time and a lot of patience to actually achieve what you try to invent. It is a sad reality that If our generation was back then without electricity and without sources for necessity of life. We would have been stayed the same for decades. Thanks to our ancestors .For actually thinking about us and making things happen.



So, Lets not waste any more time and lets get thing started.

let us have some Fun in this process.
Let's dive into some questions and
I'll give their answer according to my perspective
and believing 🤞🏻

Q1 :How would your daily life and work life be without electricity from now onwards?


Okay so lets think realistic about the answer. I am a computer science student .I have decided my career in programming and coding .If life is without electricity so that means lack of WIFI and computing resources as well.SO if there is going to be no electricity There will be an absolute end to my computer science career.

People with professions like doctor and medicine ,law ,acting, art will have more scope .And most of the people will have to shift there careers. Thinking globally about it .It might not be possible that fields like AI, computer sciences will come to an end. But it will be really hard to actually get technology to do your work.

Thinking more about it, People in there teenage year and mid 20s are really bounded with technology. We have literally limited our creativity and thinking by modern technology. We are now fully dependent on tech .So it will again be a war for most of us. We will obviously get bored. Some might think it as an opportunity to connect with nature. But Sadly, Most of us will go crazy if we don't get to use phone and apps because of no technology.



These were some negative impacts that might happen.

Positively, Thinking about it I think that people will connect more and more with nature. I think at first it will be very difficult to actually live without electricity. But once we get used to it. I think that it is fine and we can actually make good use out of it too. I think we can link with nature and we can take time to think about ourself and about our future. Because, of course we will have nothing to do. So we might invest our brains in great and creative ideas.

Many genius brains will start working on how to make electricity without power and source. They can think of ideas of making electricity with recycle bins and soil and other natural resources .So i think it will be beneficial for us even with or without electricity.



Q2 : What kind of equipment would be required to live a hassle-free life?


I think the equipment's that can be needed are of course , things and sources made out of nature. Like, We have wind turbines that can produce energy by means of wind and air blowing. And then we have solar energy that can produce energy through sun again both of them make use out of nature. But they are quite expensive. But if we imagine a life without electricity of course we can invest and make use out of it. Countries can give funds to each other and support each other to make and produce more and more wind turbines and solar energy.



But both of them have limitations. Like we can only use them when we have the available resources. So ,we have to look into this. We can also go for generators that we usually use now too. Here, in Pakistan there is a lot of load shedding and its like having no electricity at all. So we have generators. Because bills here are quite expensive some of us even have solar panels .

For preserving food in refrigerators so that it doesn't get bacteria ,smell and doesn't go to waste. We can have a tight jar or lid with pressure to consume food in it. We can again have solar panels and dehydrators for preserving food. And root cellars for vegetables and fruits storage.



Q3 : Would you be able to cope with life without electricity?


When our phone battery dies we are get so worried because we want to use our phone. And use apps on it. So without electricity we will be able to give no to only some time to it. So it will be very difficult for me at first but you know when you get used to things it looks like a habit to you and we get normalize to it. So i will be fine I think.
I can give time to nature and explore places which I don't usually do now.
When we wont have electricity we wont have huge bills like now .So I can invest all of that money in tour to islands and mountains. It will be a great experience to explore mother nature and places where you forget about electricity.



More over I can help also invest on myself .I can give time to myself. I can help in research projects regarding power electricity and I can try my best to be as helpful as I can be.



And most importantly, I can spend quality time with my family where all of us are real with each another .We don't get to talk on calls so we might meet each other often so that can be a good thing. And that can be really memorable for all of us. We can have gatherings with each other.



We might be without electricity but we will be happy with each other.

Thankyou everyone

I invite my friends 😊 :

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Indeed a wonderful entry wish you good luck

Thankyou so much!!

You are welcome

Menjalani hidup tanpa listrik memang sangat menyenangkan di awal-awal, bisa bercanda dengan keluarga, ngobrol dari hal penting sampai hal tidak penting, tapi lama-kelamaan akan menjadi petaka, karena panas tidak hidup kipas angin, kegerahan karena tak bisa mengisi air ke dalam bak mandi, kelaparan karena tak masak nasi an sebagainya.. ternyata listrik banyak berperan dalam hidup kita.

Electricity does play a crucial part in our lives and one cant imagine life without it.

Hi dear!
How are you? Hope you are fine and I'm fine too Alhamdulillah by the grace of Allah Almighty. Without electricity life would be difficult and challenging. It is difficult to survive in the absence of electricity but other primary sources Can be helpful such as candles in the night, for the preservation of food canning and drying can be effective. Without internet communication would be limited but to communicate we can adopt traditional methods such telegrams an of luck for contest.

Exactly well said!!
I m great Alhamdullilah .
glad to hear that you are doing great !!!

Welcome 😊


Wow you had expressed your opinion on your own way. I accept that most of the people lifestyle will be change and the electrical engineer and electrician life will be totally go at different way. Thanks for sharing this wonderful post. I believe that wind turbine and solar panel is a good inventions but it will also produce the noise pollution and land pollution.

We all have our own perspective regarding this issue.
Thankyou so much!!

Congratulations, your post has been upvoted by @dsc-r2cornell, which is the curating account for @R2cornell's Discord Community.

Manually curated by @jasonmunapasee


thankyou so much !!

Hello friend

You have duly explained a whole lot in you article. Itis really of a surety that electricity is crucial in our lives. You cited instances as a computer science personnel it would really be hard for you to go through, electricity is a prerequisite as we all know. To run the WIFI needs maximum electricity therefore, I'm glad you know how well it is of great importance to us all. I would love to say I admire your writing style as success in the challenge my dear friend.

Thankyou so much for your appreciation !!
I hope you have a great day ,Stay blessed !!

Staying without electricity will not be as funny as one may think. You have written well. I wish you good luck.

Thankyou so much for your kind words!
Have a great day!

I think living without electricity is really bad my friend, I can't even imagine it, let alone actually living life without electricity, imagine when we cook in the kitchen, What should be easy for all of our work is to do it quickly because there are electronic tools that we use in the kitchen. The opposite will happen, how to grind spices. While still using a pestle, or millstone, We really can't afford it if we don't have electricity at home. We all need electricity at our core.Many thanks to God because we were born in this sophisticated era.

Exactly!! Well Said
Thanks to almighty

Jika tidak listrik maka semua peralatan teknologi seperti komputer, seluler, wifi dan lain sebagai nya yang hanya dapat dihidupkan hanya dengan adanya listrik tentu tanpa listrik maka semua alat tersebut akan padam, sumber daya utama nya hanyalah listrik. Saya setuju banyak profesi seperti bidang yang anda pelajari sebagai komputerisasi akan berakhir jika tidak ada lagi listrik, tentu banyak orang akan beralih ke profesi pada zaman purba kembali semuanya bekerja di bidang pertanian, perkebunan dan peternakan. Terimakasih telah membagikan tulisan yang sangat bagus di kontes yang hebat ini

Exactly! well said
thankyou so much for the appreciation.

Now we cant leave without ELECTRICITY :(


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