“Steemit Engagement Challenge - S13/W3 - How SEC Improved Engagements on the Steemit Platform?"

in hive-179660 •  8 months ago 

Greetings to all,
How are you my friends? I am healthy and fine. I am so excited to get opportunity such an attractive topic participating. It's really attractive and informative to us all. I hope all of my honourable friends will enjoy my opinion.

  • What was Steemit like before the SEC?

To be honest, I have no experience or idea when sec was not there. I joined here a few days ago. But could not work regularly due to various problems.

  • Discuss the changes you noticed in Steemit following SEC.
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One thing I have noticed by following the SEC is that there is an opportunity for us to express our creativity. Moreover, it is possible to gain knowledge about a lot of information from the writings suggested by people from different countries.

I came to know about hash tag through SEC follow up. Messages about the club reach Steemians. Narrator develops the habit of writing or expressing opinions.

Of course it is a competition so a determination is made in itself. Through which one tries to present his writing week. I personally try too.

The communities that are selected are selected with outstanding themes. SEC plays a role in improving writing standards.

  • How many of the seven weekly challenges can you participate in each week?

As I said earlier I am new here and have been lacking in work for quite some time. Today I am starting to write again after some time. Hopefully I'll try to attend at least five per week.

And will visit the posts published for the other two topics even if not participating. Because I am willing to participate in seven posts in the future.

How does the SEC change your personnel interests and involvement on Steemit?

I especially look forward to interesting topics in the future. Because every community in sec tries to choose an interesting theme with their dreams. Deeper meaning is hidden within the theme.

I think an ideal Steemian eagerly waits to participate in every SEC topic. It is really more important to publish an awesome post with your all and list yourself as a winner among all.

I would like to invite my friends @elpastor, @abdul-rakib and @megareigns to participate this attractive topic.

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¡Saludos amiga!🤗

Siento que llegaste en un buen momento a Steemit porque, con el SEC tienes la posibilidad de crecer como blogger interal y, eso es marvilloso ya que, acartonar la escritura, nos lleva a la monotonía.

Disfruta mucho la creación de contenido... Te aseguro que en cada temporada disfrutarás la experiencia.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica, un fuerte abrazo💚

Saludos estimado amigo, bueno tuviste la dicha de entrar en SEC y darte cienta de todos los beneficios implicitoscel ella, sobretodo en oportunidades de creacion de contenido, interaccion y aprendizajes. Saludos y éxitos en tu entrada.

  ·  8 months ago (edited)

Do you know what made your publication today interesting, it is the sincerity attached....
A nice one @dolabiswas. Although, you said you didn't know what steemit was like before the introduction of the Steemit Engagement Challenge, but your first image coincidentally showed that the platform has attained a greater heights...
Congratulations as you seem to be a newbie who just joined a few days ago, I hope u get to enjoy this platform and understand the way it is been operated....
The mention of hashtags in your post is a nic change. Although the most relevant changes and impacts still remaine the inter user interaction, engagement, support and rewards from the steemit team..
I wish you good luck as you go through this wondrous adventure in steemit an bybtime participate in the SEC with topics from the seven communities weekly...

Thanks for sharing and good luck with the challenge...