SEC-S16/W3 - "Who Has The Strongest Influence On Children? Father, Mother, Teacher, Siblings, Or Friends? "

in hive-179660 •  last year 


While growing up I saw my parents as simi-god, hahaha 🤣 they have a strong influence on me, oh my goodness my mom can't be wrong, they are my best in everything and I always look up to them for directions, my parents shaped my personality, they made me. Still do not underrate my siblings influence in fact they are my second parents, then friends, these can either make or mar you. Well, the truth is that children are influenced by so many people they come in contact with, especially close people in their lives, let me discuss in detail some of these people.

How Does Father Have Strong Influence On children?


Fathers are superheroes to their children, there's a saying that "anyone can be a father but it takes a lifetime to be a dad". Fathers play a vital role in every child’s life that is irreplaceable. This role has a great impact on children and it helps to shape the child into the person he/she becomes.

Daddys are pillars in the development of a child’s emotional well-being. Children usually look to their Daddys to make rules and enforce them. This is natural because God make fathers the head of the family. Fathers provide physical and emotional support, they provide a feeling of security. Children always want their fathers the be proud of them, and when a father is involved it promotes inner growth and strength in children.

When a father is loving and supportive, it will affect his children positively, the children will develop good cognitive ability and social skills, not only this, it will give the children a good sense of well-being and self-confidence. Fathers' behaviour has a greater impact on how their children will view relationships with others, friends, spouses and business partners in the future.

How Does A Mother Have A Strong Influence On Children?


Mother's influence on children is natural, I meant children were part of us for a good 9 months, we held them in our arms for two years and carried them in our hearts forever! Mother's love is unconditional and immense, we are caregivers and guidance so our children will naturally follow us. We are their first teacher, doctor and nurse, their first playmate and friend.

Mothers are always with their children, especially in their early years, teaching them everything, how to talk, stand, walk, eat, brush teeth, bathe, do house chores and cook. We taught them how to socialise and develop social skills. Like fathers mothers are the pillars of emotional development for kids, we teach them the importance of kindness, respect, and forgiveness, we are always there for our Children to provide support physically, mentally and emotionally. We are their cheerleaders all these help children to grow into well-groomed responsible adults.

Mothers don't force things, it comes naturally because God bestowed that quality in us.

How Does The Teacher Have A Strong Influence On Children?


Teacher's impact on children is enormous, both in the classroom and beyond. I was a teacher before, I know several students who normally work up to me and tell me that they want to be like me when they grow up, how sweet! Teachers contribute greatly to children's academic development, they provide a conducive environment for learning, challenging students to think critically and expand their knowledge.

I tell you what! Children believed their teachers on certain things more than parents, do you know that my little ones used to correct me on some word's pronunciation, they will say no Mommy it's not that way my teacher said it's This way, and that's final. Haha 😂 I know some of us can relate.

Teachers used to provide emotional support for children too, they used to help them develop social skills through group discussion and work. When I was working as a teacher, I tried to be a role model for my students by setting good examples for them and demonstrating good and positive values.

How Do Siblings Have A Strong Influence On Children


Siblings have a significant influence on one another from childhood into adulthood. Younger ones are prone to imitate the older ones, to do what they do, they just want to be like them. For example, my older kids love music, so like my younger ones, even my baby knows so many lyrics. Haha, the younger ones normally pretend to be the older ones saying I am this person, haha as they are growing up they've learnt to look after each other interests, cooperate and even resolve conflicts.

Siblings help one another, the older ones usually help the younger ones to learn how to read and write, learn new skills and develop new interests, they can serve as role models, helping to shape each Other's personality.

While growing up I was clueless about so many things, but my siblings are the best guide for me even today, they used to protect me too, my elder siblings are my second parents, I normally run to any of them when I have problems, and they will help me solve it because they are more experienced than me.

How Do Friends Have A Strong Influence On Children?


“Show me your friend and I will tell you who you are.”

Friends can either make or mar children's lives, God's word says that "he who is walking with the wise will become wise but the one having dealings with the stupid will fate badly". Another one said do "not be misled bad association spoils useful habits" all this proves that friends have a great influence too, that is why we must teach our children to be selective with their choice of friends because they are prone to be like their friends to fit in. "Good friends are brothers born for a time of distress, they provide companionship and support, helping one another to grow. They will encourage one another to make healthy choices.

The bottom line is that friends can influence other's behaviours and attitudes for example if a child befriended a smoker, he or she will soon start smoking.


Children are influenced by so many people they come in contact with, parents, siblings, teachers and friends. But parents are their strongest influence because they are the first people they contact, children tend to act like their parents, and they are their for most role models, moreover, God bestowed parents the responsibility of training, providing, loving, supporting, and protecting their children, if parents train their kids well and inculcate good values in them, they will grow up to make good choices in life, make good friends and live an examplary life . As such parents are children's role models, most children grow up to be like their parents.

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I love the detailed explanation of all questions and how these pictures used rhymes with the answer. You've shown how each of these individuals influences a child. You guys as mothers just have this natural superpower of influencing the way a child thinks and respond to certain things that's why I give mothers the win although friends come in but not the way it's done by the mother.

You're absolutely right Boss, you know I feel that if children are properly trained in the way of the lord by parent, they will have good judgement on good selecting friends which will influence them positively. I appreciate your valuable contribution, and thanks for visiting me today!

Another nailed comment. You're right. Any child that's looking wayward is most times attributed to neglect by the parents.

your experience as a teacher and mother highlights the significant impact educators have on children's academic growth and personal development. Teachers, like yourself, serve as mentors and role models, inspiring students to strive for excellence and guiding them through challenges both inside and outside the classroom. Thanks for sharing!

Thank you so much for your beautiful commendations and contribution, I appreciate!

I'm inviting my friends @ninapenda, @mesola and @bossj23 to take part in this contest.

Helo, ma'am, being a parent has exposed you to so much about parenthood. Mothers naturally have a great influence on their children; just like you mentioned, from the moment the child is conceived, he or she starts bonding with the parent. Even after birth, the child gets to be more attached to their mother, probably because they spend more time with her. Daddys, on the other hand, are passionate when it comes to influencing their children, but their love is amazing and so sweet. Parents are truly the strongest influence on kids, as they are the first family they meet.

You have taught us so much about parenting; it's a good thing to have someone like you on board. Thank you for sharing, ma'am, and for the invitation. I appreciate it.

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

Fathers play a vital role in every child’s life that is irreplaceable.

Growing up, I always saw my dad as my hero. He was there for me in so many ways, teaching me important life lessons and giving me a sense of security. His presence shaped me into the person I am today.

Mothers are always with their children, especially in their early years, teaching them everything, how to talk, stand, walk, eat, brus

My mom was like my superhero when I was little. She taught me everything from tying my shoes to making my bed. Her love and guidance were always there, helping me grow and learn each day.

Friends can either make or mar children's lives, God's word says that 'he who is walking with the wise will become wise but

It's so true that the friends we choose can have a big impact on our lives. I've seen how hanging out with the right crowd can lead to positive experiences and growth, while the wrong friends can lead down a rocky path. It's important to surround ourselves with people who lift us up and help us become our best selves.

Good luck

You're absolutely right, thanks for your contribution. I appreciate!


You have written so well on this topic,of a truth mother's influence on children cannot be underrated. Teachers on the other hand play a very vital role in children up bringing. In all we have one thing or the other to learn from one another. Good luck ma'am.

Thank you BB I appreciate the compliment, contribution and good wishes.

I'm privileged to learn from a mother in similar discipline which is @goodybest. Her viewpoint on this theme is well analyzed, beginning from her central:
Daddys are pillars in the development of a child’s emotional well-being. Children usually look to their Daddys to make rules and enforce them. This is natural because God make fathers the head of the family. Fathers provide physical and emotional support, they provide a feeling of security. Children always want their fathers the be proud of them, and when a father is involved it promotes inner growth and strength in children.

This will be impossible if fathers loses their ability to sustain their responsibilities, as cited by the author here.

And according to her, children grow by what they hear, feel, touch and see. Thank you very much for dropping such an amazing notes. Wish you the very best in this week Contest

How can the leg walk perfectly without the eyes. Mother, father, siblings, teachers all have crucial role to play in the upbringing of a child. A child can misbehave at the sight of one and be of good conduct at the sight of another. I must say the possibility of bringing up a child or children to live right from a single mother is quite impossible. That's is why divorce is not encourage because it leaves the child to scatter about misbehaving to their shame and the shame of their parents. Teacher can also be very influential to correcting our children, My sister will always be of good conduct in my house, when she notice that her teacher which is our next door neighbour is around. I must commend you for this writeup. Best of luck ma'am @goodybest

Thank you so much for your nice comment and good wishes