Steemit Engagement Challenge S11/W3 - The First Salary Always Remains Extra Special For Me

in hive-179660 •  2 years ago 


In my cubicle some 9 years ago

The day I got my first salary is one of the unforgettable moments of my life, it is one of the happiest days for me, I felt like I was on top of the world, and I was over the moon 🌙 yeah I got a golden ticket! Never mind, I'm short of words to express how I actually felt.

The First Salary Always Remains Extra Special For Me.

Indeed the first salary will always remain special, my life changes for the better the first time I got mine, I felt independent, mature, liberated and more responsible. I was 20 years when the bank hired me to do my industrial training with them and I was to be paid 40,000 Naira Monthly, the very thought of receiving an alert of 40k at the end of the month was simply exciting. Oh, the long-awaited day arrived, and I was overwhelmed with joy when I got an alert of 58,000 Thousand Naira, yeah that's because my salary payment was due in 44 days.

I was proud of myself, I knew I was getting the reward for my hard work, I was glad that I will be able to foot my bills, and I felt independent! So what did I do with my first salary?

What Are You Going To Do When You Get Your First Paycheck? (or) What Did You Do After You Received Your First Paycheck?


I informed my father immediately and he told me to withdraw everything and brought home, so I did just as I was told, and my father blessed me and the money too, he then gave me some of the money for transportation and lunch during the month, and then donated the remaining one to the charity. He told me that lending to the needy is like lending to the Almighty God, that he will repay me the good deed. I was glad to do it and my parent was proud of me!*

Does Your Income Support Your Family Other Than Yourself?

Yes, I used my income to support my family though my parent was not asking me to, I surprised them with beautiful gifts, and then I also used it to support my elder Sister during her wedding ceremony, I supported my Aunt and my younger brother too! It gave me joy that I could be helped and the happiness of putting smiles on their faces was unimaginable!

Did You Study To Earn Money Or Knowledge?

I studied to gain both knowledge and to earn money too, we all need these two to survive in this wicked world. Yeah money is for protection and wisdom too!

Is Life All About Earning A Lot Of Money Or Something Else?


Nope, life is not about earning a whole lot of money, this can't even give happiness, it's about being content with what we have. Contentment brings about satisfaction and happiness and God warned us that our way of life should be free from the love of money because those who desire to be bastardly rich always end up in pain. Life is about getting satisfaction from what we have.

First salary is always special because it unlocked our financial freedom, once we tested how it feels to be financially independent, we won't like sitting back to depend on someone again. It gives women confidence! I would like to invite my friends @kyrie1234, @okere-blessing and @shahid2030 to be part of this contest.

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what do you do when you take your first salary from your job by giving that salary to charity is the best example and noble work and God always blesses you at every step of your sustenance...

good luck always friends at all times...

Thank you so much for engaging meaningfully on my post, and thanks for the good wishes too.

thanks again @goodybest

Your first salary was from the bank you worked at. It was 40k, them it increased upto 58k. I can feel how excited would it be for you.

Goodybest I can see how hardworking you are in life. Here in Steemit you perform very well. This is all your dedication and struggle that you are here today. You could be inspiration for many here.

I really enjoy reading your post. Best wishes for the contest.

I'm always encouraged by your thoughtful and sincere commendations. It's always my wish to be a source of inspiration for others. Thanks for the compliment and best wishes .


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Thanks for the review @pathanapsana.

Realmente esa primera remuneracion nos hace sentir asi, mas independientes, maduros, con libertad economica y solvencia, que bueno que le otorgaron mas de lo esperado. Saludos exito en tu entrada.

Thank you so much @dasudi, I appreciate your meaningful contribution and good wishes.

Me imagino tu rostro de felicidad a ver qué eran más Nairas, a mi me sucedió casi igual, en dónde obtuve mi salario y para poder comprar el libro que necesitaba

Yeah I was so happy! Wow you had same experience and it was good that it serves an urgent need. Thanks for engaging meaningfully!

Hi teman baik, @goodybest

Selamat atas gaji pertama anda yang jumlahnya melebihi ekspektasi dan hari bekerjanya lebih panjang 🙈 itu pasti tidak pernah terlupakan.

Saya juga senang membaca opini anda bahwa hidup ini bukan hanya tentang mencari uang. Melainkan uang digunakan untuk mencapai kebahagiaan.

Enjoy your day!

Thank you so much for engaging meaningfully on my post, I'm glad that you share with my point of view.

My pleasure


This post has been upvoted through steemcurator08. We support quality posts anywhere and with any tags. Curated by: @deepak94

I appreciate @deepak94!

  ·  2 years ago (edited)

Salam @goodybest! your first selry was realy amizing moment . You are also great for helping others from your selary . you share your thoughts about life is not mean to gain money although life is about satisfaction . I like your post very much . best wishes for you

I'm glad that you like my posts, thank you so and I appreciate your good wishes.

I felt so emotional reading where you submitted the money to your father for blessing and charity. Is not everyone that can do that ,Do you know that surely there's a blessing in what you did.

Thank you so much for your kind comments, I appreciate yes i was happy and still happy for doing it.