Steemit Engagement Challenge / S13-W3 -"How SEC improved engagements on the Steemit platform?"

in hive-179660 •  8 months ago  (edited)

Namaste Steemit Family,

The Hindwhale community welcomes you to the third week of the "Steemit Engagement Challenge - S13/W3 - How SEC Improved Engagements on the Steemit Platform?" and we invite you to participate in our new contest, which is live now.

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For the last two years, @steemitblog has been running successful engagement challenges and so far 12 seasons have passed. There is no doubt that steemit users have benefited greatly from this. However, we run this contest to know what our users think about these engagement contests and how it drives them engagement and involvement. We hope that many more posts will come out of this.

We have some questions, so you just answer them and have fun in the process:

  • What was Steemit like before the SEC?

  • Discuss the changes you noticed in Steemit following SEC.

  • How many of the seven weekly challenges can you participate in each week?

  • How does the SEC change your personnel interests and involvement on Steemit?

Contest Guidelines

  • Write at least 300 words article on the topic and share it with the #hindwhale community.

  • Plagiarism of any kind will not be tolerated.

  • Strictly NO AI content.

  • There is a weekly limit of one entry per person per community, so please plan accordingly.

  • The user must be a member of at least #club5050.

  • Follow @hindwhale, the official account of the #hindwhale community.

  • Comment thoughtfully on the entries of at least three other participants (ensure that you interact extensively with other users).

  • The title of the post should be “Steemit Engagement Challenge - S13/W3 - How SEC Improved Engagements on the Steemit Platform?"

  • In the first five tags, include #hwc-s13w3, #steemgrowth #country (for instance, #India), and club status ( club5050).

  • We encourage burn steem, please add #burnsteem25 if you set 25% benificiary to @null .

  • You should invite at least three friends.

  • Each of the top three winners will receive and share a total of 10 STEEM (5, 3, and 2 Steem).

  • Develop compelling content that is appropriate for support and stands out from the competition.

  • This competition begins on October 30, 2023, at 00:00 and ends on November 05, 2023, at 23:59.

"Good luck, and happy writing!"

Post checking and commenting policy of the community
#Club✅ or ❌
Verified User✅ or ❌
#steemexlusive✅ or ❌
Plagiarism Free✅ or ❌
AI Content Free✅ or ❌
Bot Free✅ or ❌
Voting CSI > 5✅ or ❌
Suport Burnsteem✅ or ❌
Quality of Content

Feedback / Note |
|Hello @user

Contest Prize - 10 Steem
1st Position
5 Steem
2nd Position
3 Steem
3rd Position
2 Steem

Have a question?

Please contact us via :


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Delegate to our community account (@hindwhale)

Delegations are encouraged from those who are interested in supporting the community. It will contribute to the growth of our community. We invite you to become a delegator of #hindwhale by giving any amount you consider appropriate:

Easy Links to delegate @hindwhale quickly


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Very interesting contest. Congratulations

Topik kontes yang sangat menarik saya akan mencobanya ☺️

Silahkan saya tunggu

🥂 pleasure

Un gusto compartir mi participación en esta semana del desafío y en esta preciada comunidad.

Un gran tema desarrollado en el cual todos tenemos experiencias y podemos participar tranquilamente.

Espero sea de su agrado.

Saludos. SLPS

My Entry link is here 👈

Great theme for this Sunday, everyone Knowing about the Steemit Engagement Challenge program has a big impact on special users to be more advanced in collecting Steem. I think this is a great theme this week. Good job to you.

Here's my entry below 👇

Hello @dove11 please help me verify my post

Buenas noches comunidad

01 Portada publicaciones de la comunidad.png

Acá mi participación en el concurso ¿CÓMO MEJORÓ LA SEC LA PARTICIPACIÓN EN LA PLATAFORMA STEEMIT? que se organiza en esta comunidad y forma parte de la semana 3 de la temporada 13 del #SteemitEngagementChallenge.

Es una publicación bastante larga. Espero tengan paciencia al leerla. Es un tema muy extenso y creo que solo trate la punta del iceberg,

Ojala este dentro de lo pedido en el concurso.

Suerte a todos los participantes .

Hasta la próxima...

¡Buenas! Cómo es el proceso de verificación de usuarios en esta comunidad: @hindwhale.
