Steemit Engagement Challenge / SEC-S19 / W6 | "How are social medias affecting our society in both good and bad ways?

in hive-179660 •  2 months ago 


Wondering how dull and slow life was, it would take days and months to deliver a message which was usually a post mail then comparing it with today's world, you can send a message to a person in another continent under 5 seconds or less and it will be delivered successfully and also viewed by the other person.

This era of internet and social medium has really helped makes things more fun and faster, but you should be aware that most good things has its disadvantage, social media has huge disadvantages on the users but also has an advantage. That brings us to the theme of the contest, "How social media affects the society, both good and bad".

What are the benefits of social media to our society?
  • Improvement in Communication
    Social media has brought improvement to the area of communication, it hastens and brings up a perfect communication among people. Distance is not a barrier to communication as far as there's network and social media, you can drop a message to friends and family under seconds. The days before social media, many people lost contacts with old friends and colleagues but with the introduction of social media you can actually contact with old friends always and also interact in posts made by them.

  • An avenue for Marketing
    Social media has been a real breakthrough to the marketing and business section, most people now advertise and sell their products on social media ans interested people can buy it from there. Using a popular medium, Facebook has a marketing icon where you can find a lot of items declared for sale by other users.

  • Creating Employment Opportunities
    Social media in the recent years has been able to provide job opportunities to its users, looking at LinkedIn which connects workers to jobs and also x where communities developers can find workers from their users.

  • Entertainment
    The entertainment industry has really grown because of Social media, creating contents for the people and also getting paid through them.

  • Reaching out to Customer service
    Many big companies now use social media, posting contents daily and also checking In to replies which makes it easy for the customer service to listen to the complaints dropped by the users.

What are the evils caused by social media in our society?


  • Scams and Frauds
    One of the main bad ways social media could affect the society is through fraudulent activities. Most of the scammed activities recorded in the recent years is through the social media, it has given its users than chance to chat with other users away from their geographical distance. Since most people use social media as a means of engaging and interacting with others, it gives them room to probably get scammed.

  • High level of Misinformation
    If you're an old social media user you should know how to ignore some news and messages. Many bloggers who are looking for engagements would find all means to make their content look catchy and they make an interesting and fake title dragging people there.

Is social media really useful for common people or corporate companies?

Social media is everyman's land, the common people need social media to connect with others and also get what they need from companies while companies also need customers from the common people, so the coming together of both the common people and corporate companies would result in a very stable use of social media

Give your personal opinion and conclusion about social media.


Since I joined social media it has been of good help to me and also to others, I can now get to meetings with getting to where it will be held, we can all stay in the comfort of our home and attend an official meeting. I really admire the beauty of social media and what it has to offer. Many people that abuse social media through the regulations should be banned and also people abused in social media should take good measures and look at the guidelines to avoid being on the wrong side of social media. I have a positive view of social media and I appreciate the efforts given by the owners.

I would love to invite my friends @patjewell @chant and @eliany to take part


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Saludos amigo

Ciertamente las redes sociales nos dan la posibilidad de poder trabajar desde casa, realizar todas las operaciones que necesitemos en línea, ahora es mucho más fácil poder comunicarnos y relacionarnos con nuestros amigos compañeros de trabajos, o de estudios a través de las redes sociales. Esas son las grandes ventajas de las que podemos gozar si usamos las redes sociales correctamente.

Pero como también existen las cosas malas debemos tener cuidado con ellos Porque podríamos ser víctimas de estafas a través de las redes sociales, así como también de acoso Y si la usamos de forma incorrecta nos puede afectar la salud.

Las redes sociales son muy buenas solo hay que saber usarlas.

Te deseo buena suerte en el concurso
