My dream will definitely come true.

in hive-179660 •  3 months ago 
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My dream will definitely come true.
We have many dreams in our life. For some it comes true and for some it remains a dream. Thanks to @alfazmalek for organizing a contest through which we can learn and realize each other's dreams.

You must have seen many dreams in your life, which of them have been fulfilled and which have not been fulfilled?
Everyone dreams more or less in life. Among them, some dreams are fulfilled and some dreams are not fulfilled. Everyone tries hard to fulfill their unfulfilled dreams. Like others, I have had many dreams in life, some of them have been fulfilled and some dreams are still trying to be fulfilled. Today I will share my dreams with you.

All my dreams have come true

Photo Taken from Freepic

  • Education: From childhood I and my parents completed their education and were well educated. And I fulfilled my dream and established as computer engineer.
  • Job: Everyone hopes in life to get a good job and earn money. I am currently employed as a software engineer in this software company.

I am trying to fulfill all my dreams

  • Kaaba Sharif pilgrimage: It is the dream of every Muslim to visit God's house Kaaba Sharif at least once in his life and perform Hajj. I am also trying to go to the holy city one day, God willing.
  • Marriage: Marriage is a halal bond for every man and woman through which a beautiful family is built. I also want to go about halal through a beer.
  • Visiting various places of interest: Many of them like to visit different places of interest. I have and will visit them at intervals.

Do you want to fulfill that unfulfilled dream and if so, how will you do it?
Yes, I want to fulfill all my unfinished dreams. I have written all my unfulfilled dreams on it. I am currently earning money by working and saving money. I want to fulfill my unfulfilled dreams in halal way with my earned money.

How will you celebrate when your unfulfilled dream is fulfilled?
First of all, I would be personally happy if I could fulfill all my unfulfilled dreams. It would be nice if my Kaaba Sharif Yarab could achieve it. Beer medium will be my family. And if you visit different places of interest, your mind will be good and you will be able to cheer up. And if I can fulfill each dream, I will personally benefit and thereby I will be glorified.

Cc: @disconnect @deepak94 @jyoti-thelight @sohanurrahman @pathanapsana @pea07 @shravana @hindwhale @nanidi

I invite @rezwannridha, @beemengine, @daily100d to join this contest

Thank you all
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