To all the steemit members.Hoping good health of all steemians and I'm also fine.I'm here in this Hindwhale Community for taking part in a contest.The theme of the contest is Challenges of life
I'm going to participate in Contest which has been organized by @aviral123
Why are challenges important in our lives?
Life itself is a challenge.Sometimes difficult, sometimes easy.Life teaches to solve these challenges with manly strength.Challenges help us move forward.
When we face a challenge, it means that we know the purpose of our life and what else we need to do in our life.Overcoming a challenge is one of the main goals of our life until we overcome a challenge or face a problem,
we cannot know what the real purpose of our life is.The challenge is basically growth and self-development.
Should we face every challenge with strength? How should we prepare ourselves for this?
According to my point of view, if we want to live life well and progress, we have to face every challenge with great endurance and strength.Getting our health right is very important to face any challenge including our sleep, diet, fitness.
If we are physically and mentally fit, we can face any challenge easily.We must have self confidence and prepare ourselves for every challenge that comes our way so we can face any challenge in life only if we believe in ourselves we will be successful.Our focus should be on our goal and how we can win it.
Why should we step back out of fear even before facing challenges?
There are many reasons why we fail to face challenges and retreat out of fear.
The main reason for our failure is lack of self-confidence. When we lack self-confidence, we cannot meet any challenge and we stray away from our goal.Negative thinking is a great reason to stop any challenge.
When we have negative thoughts in our mind, we cannot achieve our goal and we think that it will not happen to us.Whenever we see something new, we get worried that we can't do it, we can't understand it, so this is also a big reason for our failure.
What kind of challenges do we face in our life? Explain it .
Fear is a big challenge in our life,Which hinders us from achieving any of our goals.Lack of confidence is an open challenge that derails our goal of success.Loneliness is also a kind of challenge. When we are alone, different thoughts arise in our mind which can be bad to achieve our goal.
Lack of strong relationships also causes our challenge to be hindered.There are many reasons why we face these challenges like smoking, drinking alcohol, gambling and using drugs.
When we get used to these bad habits, our ability to think and understand is taken for granted, then we have to face these challenges.
hope everyone will read and love this post. I would like to invite @azmat545 and @mesola & @sohanurrahman @fuli @dobartim for participating in contest.