Contest| "Challenges of Life"

in hive-179660 •  last year 


Greetings everyone, all of us has many different kinds of challenges we faced in our lives. Some of this are difficult to solve in and it needs time to solve or handled with ourselves. For this topic of mine, I will share some of the challenges I already faced and solved and how I handled those challenges properly. We can't really avoid this kind of situations and it is already a twin to our lives starting when we matured here in the society. The first challenges I encountered was all about mental problems, just like anxieties and depression. For me, it is not really easy to handled this kind of problem, there are lots of affections happens to myself just like lose of appetite, headaches, sleep difficulties and self-silence.

I handled it by keep myself calm, trying my best of not really being affected and enjoyed myself by listening music and reading more books. In connected with the following Questions and connected to my challenges in life, I will answered the following questions given:


Why are challenges important to ourselves?

For me, this is truly important and it is the test on how we handled those challenges without helping from other people. This is one of the situation we faced as we reached in our matured ages. Challenges is also served as a ladder towards success. Without challenges, we can't visualize or know the very best thing we can do to solve our problems or challenges.

Should We face the Challenge with Strength? How we should prepared ourselves for this?

Strength is one of the most important to defeat challenges, not only of strength of muscles but also for spiritual and emotional strength. Through this, we can think and do in a right way by being calm always. We should prepared this by always get ready to expressed and do some good solutions to solve the problems or challenges.


Why should we step back out of fear even before facing challenge?

Fear is really important in this kind of situations. This must be set aside and also must not be used by handling our challenges in life. Fear can make us lose and unfocused to solve our problems and challenges. It will also lead us to lose and unsuccessful in our lives.

What kind of Challenge do we face in our life?

As I I said earlier, some of the challenges I already faced was mental problems just like anxieties and depression. Some of the challenges I also faced are;

  • Loneliness- I also experienced loneliness and it is very hard for me. I can't avoid of being lonely to my Parents because I always remembered the most memorable and enjoyable moments happens in my life together with my Family.

  • Financial Problems - This is also one of the challenges I faced in life. Money is one of the most important thing in order for us to live better. Buying foods, clothes and other important materials.

  • Work Stress- I faced many kinds of works and obligations . Cooking food, laundries, cleaning the house, watering the plants and take care of it and my baby. For me, this is already multi-tasking for me but I really happy and proud I can handled those challenges very well. The only thing I did is to enjoy my life and be calm always.

I would like to invite @jb123, @manticao, @aehryanglee to join this contest and the 10% from this payout will goes to @Hindwhale.

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