Pick a word, Paint a story #09

in hive-179660 •  14 days ago 

Hi @senehasa. I'm new here. I love smiling and that's why I decided to take a trial on this.

Smiling is the perfectness of my beauty, so when I smile, it makes me beautiful, attractive and decents in the eyes of God and man.


What is Smile?

Smile is a gestural or unspoken cue to convey kindness and reduce environmental annoyance like stress, cynicism, tears and anxiety.

It's a way of boosting ones emotion against certain unwanted emotions.

For instance, engaging in an argumentative events that later resulted to anger inflation can suppress the frame of the face and makes it awkward; so whenever we smile, it's a way of rebooting the uncomfortable face-frame to a pleasant one, changing the concept of the people around us to feel embraced and forgiven.

Smile is a culture that must be practiced. It's a way of life for certain individuals like me @nemerem01. I can't do without smiling. I wake up in the morning, the expression I release to the world around me is smile. Just simple smile can altar certain changes that tends not to.

I could remember very vividly the day I misplaced my phone. I thought I had left it in my school bag until I noticed a light wave blowing towards me. And when I noticed, I paused and check my bag, the phone wasn't there. Tears dropping profusely on my cheek. I start pondering where I had left the phone, and then suddenly a thought on going back to the cajethan balcony I sat after eating noodles pops in. I immediately rushed down.

I met a young man. I don't know him. He was the next person to be attended to by the waiter immediately I was done eating. And so I calmly approach him with a smile on my face. He didn't even delay, he just handed over the phone to me. My picture was well placed on the screen, and so inorder for him to confirm that I was the one, I had to unlock the phone for him to see. And that was all.

Now, I imagined if I was so rude to him. I'm not sure the phone would've been given to me, because there are similar stories like mine where the owners experienced sad responses as a result of been harsh, rude and un-approachable.

So, Smiling will always keep you on top irrespective of your limits. Keep smiling, never stops. I know how fortunate my life has been as a result of always smiling.

Smile is a breakthrough giver

Another name for breakthrough giver is gratefulness. Whenever you're grateful to God, your parents and people around you. It gives them the capacity to invest more in you. So whether you have it enough, for as long as this expression is continually an habit, it create more room for benediction.

Let Jehovah be happy that you are grateful.

I give 10% beneficiary to @hindwhale accounts

I invite @eglis, @djanita and @imohmitch to participate in this contest.

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¡Saludos amiga!🤗

Una sonrisa puede generar los sentimientos positivos más hermosos en una persona. Por ello, atrevernos a sonreír o, disfrutar la sonrisa de alguien más, debemos tomarlo como una dosis de vitamina que nos alimenta el alma.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica... Un fuerte abrazo💚

Merci beaucoup