"Pick a Word, Paint a Story #09."

in hive-179660 •  last month 

Hi all the amazing and wonderful people of hindwhale community.

This week's contest is amazing, and I would like to pick the word SMILE among the list words NIGHT, SMILE AND STONE. Special thanks goes to @senehasa for organizing such an amazing contest in this great community.


We are in a world where it's full of up and downs, that alot of people have forgotten how a simple smile is powerful and can transform lives as well as change situations. It will gladdens your heart to know that when we talk about smile, it is not just the facial expressions on our faces, but it is a powerful tool that Can be used to show the act of kindness, compassion and build connections with people.

What is smile

Smiles 😊

One good thing that smile does which alot of people are not aware of is that,, it releases a feel good hormones which helps in releasing of stress, reducing the rate of depression and anxiety etc. Research has also proven that when we smile, it helps our immune system function better, our muscles get good relaxation, and lowers blood pressure as well.

The impact of smile is not just the physical benefit we know,, it also has the power to transform and improve our overall mental state and well-being. When we smile genuinely,, it makes us look very attractive and approachable, building of good rapport with people becomes easy, it enhances creation of welcoming atmosphere.

How to put smiles on other faces:
When you exchange pleasantries with either family, friends, strangers or love one,, ensure you do it with a warm and beautiful smile.

What some people need atimes is someone who can give them undivided attention,, so by practicing active listening, you will be able to put smile on such people faces.

Showing some act of kindness, extending helping hands to people who are desperately in need are also some of the simplest ways to put smile on others faces.

Lastly,,, Having a good sense of humor, such as sharing of funny stories, posting memes on your social media pages, or even making light and non offensive jokes from others mistake can go along way in brightening their day.

Why it's important to put smile on others faces
When we make others smile,, it will inspire them to also make others smile and spread kindness to people around them.

It will give them sense of belonging,, they will feel safe and secured around you. Thereby,, strengthening your connections and breaking barriers socially with them.

The atmosphere that is usually created when we make others smile,, are usually accommodating, uplifting and positive energy given atmosphere.

Angelic smiles😊

By simply sharing our smile with others,, their days can be brightened, they can get inspired to extend it to others, and by so doing you create an uplifting atmosphere.

Smile is a very powerful tool that can be used to transform lives and change situations, you never know the impact you could bring to someone's life with your smile. Therefore,, GO AHEAD AND SPREAD SMILE ALL OVER THE GLOBE!!🌎

Thank you all for reading to this very point🥰🥰

I will love to invite @lhorgic, @jyoti-thelight, @josepha and @suboohi to join this contest🤗.

Kind regards,, @owulama🤍🤍

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  ·  last month (edited)

Smile has a great power to change our mood. If we can face every struggle with a smile on our face, it will help us to overcome those challenges. Thank you for participating in the contest.

Thank you so much sir for your awesome reply on my post🙏
