Steemit Engagement Challenge S11/W1 - Perhaps if man had not invented fire, what would this earth have looked like?

in hive-179660 •  last year  (edited)

The 2017 fires along the Garden Route of South Africa

It is amazing that so often it is the thing that man needs for survival that destroys him. "Too much of a good thing is not good."

On Monday morning, it was on National Television about the devastating wildfires on Rhodes Island caused by the severe heat.

The same evening, there was a talk show about the warming of the earth and the warning that went out to our farmers. South Africa is earmarked for extreme drought, wildfires, and heavy rain in the coming years.

I take my hat off to farmers. They plant trees, some that will bear fruit and others that will be turned into paper. The fruit bearing trees will take 7-8 years to bear fruit, and the plantation trees will take up to 30 years. How do you plan ahead for so many years?

One of the biggest fire disasters in South Africa happened during a wildfire on the popular Garden Route and the towns of Sedgefield, Knysna, and Plettenberg Bay in 2017, all because of extreme heat, low rainfall, and strong winds.
What was amazing was that spot fires were made, but the fires were burning so high and the wind was so strong that fire was literally flying through the air. Fires crossed the National Highway.

Our holiday home, a log cabin is situated on the mountain in Keurboomstrand near Plettenberg Bay. As we were on an overseas holiday all we could do was phone friends and rely on word from our family.

Back in South Africa, and the fires were still burning. We decided it would be best to go and see what we could do. The airports were closed due to the heavy smoke, and all we could do was travel the twelve hours by car, not knowing if our cabin was still standing or not.
We were lucky that the fires missed our village. Others were not. Close to a thousand houses burned down, businesses, thousands of acres of plantations, and thousands of animal lives were lost.

What amazed me was that when we traveled to Knysna to see if we could be of any help, we traveled through a patch of green, then through smoke and ashes, then green again. The way in which these fires spread was totally astonishing.

What we saw in these few days would leave a burning memory forever.

Driving to our log cabin

Perhaps if man had not invented fire, what would this earth have looked like?

I think this question is wrong. It was not man who invented fire; it was fire that was discovered.

The Cradle of Humankind is a world heritage site only a few kilometers from Krugersdorp near Johannesburg, where I lived for nearly 20 years. This heritage site was named due to the fact that Africa is considered to be "the cradle of humanity." Here fossils of dinosaurs and mankind have been found over the years that date back as far as 200 million years.

Through research, it was determined that Hominids (our claimed ancestors) emerged +/- 7,000 years ago. A skull of an Australopithecus Africanus, named Mrs. Plus, was discovered in 1947, and it is estimated that it could be between 2,5 and 2,8 million years old.

What fascinated me when I visit this heritage site with family and friend was not the fact that you are introduced to the evolution of species, but that species dated millions of years ago were already using tools then made from stone, and the fact that there is clear evidence of an emotion or a feeling like "love" from where and how these fossils were found.

Best of all, there is numerous evidence not only of the use of fires but also of their control, from staying warm to cooking.

To come back to what the earth would have looked like, there are only two words for it…

Boring! That is if you got used to the technology around you, as technology would not have been developed without fire, and we would not have lived the lives we are living now.

Beautiful! If you are one of those who love the great outdoors, sleeping under the stars, or hiding in a cave.

Info from The Cradle of Humankind

Nearly 1000 houses were destroyed

How do you think man discovered fire?

For our next stop, I am taking you to the Wonderwerk Cave, also in South Africa. Here some of the earliest evidence of burned bones and the ashes of plants were found, which proved the control of fires.

One of the earliest examples of possible human control of fire was also found in South Africa at Swartkrans. The foundings included burned bones with hominin-inflicted cut marks.

What this means is that fire could have been "harvested" from a nearby field fire and then transported to a safe place like this cave. Or else, fires could have been discovered by accident. One of our ancestors was sitting sharpening a stone tool, and a spark from a flint or "fire stone" ignited a spark. It could also have been from lightning or the eruption of a volcano.

There is not clear evidence of when or how fires were started by man, but one thing is sure; as long as there is oxygen, heat, and fuel, there will be fire.

Businesses burned down

Advantages and disadvantages of fire

All fires are not bad. I think it is important that we understand this before we take a closer look at the advantages and disadvantages.

I was attending Bible study a few years ago, and the ladies were discussing the fires that were happening near Cape Town. One of them, whose husband was an ecologist, explained to us why we must allow fires to happen. It stimulates plant growth, as simple as that.

South Africa’s National flower, the Protea, that grows in the wild near Cape Town, is one of these plants. It doesn’t release its seeds if there is no fire.
Fires, believe it or not, also improve wildlife habitat and help with the control of invasive species.

She also explained that we need fires to burn to protect the earth from major fires. I remember how my grandfather used to start smaller fires around his farm to protect his maize fields during the winter.

Good for the ecosystemCan destroy the ecology
Give of warmthErosion and sedimentation
Use for electricity, light and cookingContribute to air pollution, climate change
Killing of diseasesCan cause health issues
Incineration of wasteFires can cause a lot of damage
CremationUsed as a weapon or mode of destruction

As with everything in life, there are always advantages and disadvantages. Of importance is how we balance it.

Shelters were erected for those who lost their homes

Is fire essential for us or not?


🔥 Fire plays a vital role in the development of man, his culture, and the earth we live on.

🔥 Without fire, we will be living in a world without a meaning.

🔥 Millions of people around the world will be unemployed as many jobs use fire.

🔥 It will be so much harder to create technology without fire.

🔥 Progress without fire will be so much harder.

There is no argument; we need fire to make the world a more comfortable place to live.

Plantations burned down to the ground

How should we handle fire for a safe environment?

It is only us humans that can keep us safe from the devastation fires can cause.


It is clear that we need to know more about fires so that we can allow them to play a role in the ecosystem. This we can only do if we have more manpower that can help with the control of smaller fires. If our ancestors could practice fire control, so can we. We will just do it not in a cave but in the wide world.

Educate! Educate! Educate!

People from a young age must be made aware of the dangers of fire and that irresponsible actions can cause the deaths of many people and animals. A bottle left in the park after a picnic can leave thousands of people homeless.


We need to enforce rules like;
• no littering
• keep fire-lighting material away from children
• no making fires where we shouldn’t
• put fires out properly when camping
• keep flammable products in a safe environment
• regular safety check for gas bottles and wiring
• no smoking in certain areas


Increase water availability in areas where we know fires can be dangerous, like forests. Often, this can be done by clearing areas around dams and lakes before a dry season.

Plan and prepare!

It is of utmost importance that management plans are in place in parks, forests, and farms. Proper planning before the winter months can result in great harvests.


Technology can play a vital role in controlling fires. Already, drones, satellites, and robots are used. Technology can also help improve the gear of fire fighters.

According to scientists, huge wildfires occur in cycles of 150 years, but I’m afraid if we don’t wake up and take care of Mother Earth, we are in for a rude awakening.

All images are my own


I invite: @irawandedy @harferri @kouba01 @ngoenyi @sduttaskitchen

Thanks to @dove11, @alejos7ven, @elrazi for inviting me.

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Amiga, how hard and sad to see so many homeless families caused by the fury of the fire.
I didn't know that a flower could shed its seed just by fire.
I really enjoyed your interesting and educational post.
Happy day and success in the contest.

Thank you for the visit and the engagement, my friend!
It warms my heart to read that Steemians not only liked my posts but found them informative. I must admit, I love sharing facts.
As they say, we are never too old to learn something new.
I wish you a beautiful week.

I like your balanced view on the advantages and disadvantages of fire. It's a double-edged sword for sure but I had no idea that fires actually stimulate plant growth. Seriously? 😄

PS: I noticed that I replied to your previous comment, and I might have been emotionally involved at that moment, as I was also responding to someone else. Anyway, I apologize if I wrote something wrong.

My mood is much better now. I've been under a lot of stress in the past two days. I think I should take a short break from Steemit for a day or two.

Also, if a similar situation arises again, I'll CC the admin of that community in my comment, and if you don't mind, I might mention you as well. 😉

Well well!! Thank you! You've lifted my mood.
Earlier tonight, I was all worried about you.
It's okay, sometimes we all just need to "release" our feelings. The Englishman would say, to let down some steam.

As with my previous comment, next time just bring it to my attention, and I will help.
PS: Don't change the way you are writing!

PS: Don't change the way you are writing!

What does that mean? Are you referring to this? 👇

or is it about something else? 🤠

PS: I’m still waiting for your reply on this. 👇

If you have concerns about sharing your Discord ID, you can send me a friend request. Here’s my ID.


Edit: I’ve received your reply to my previous comment. There’s no need to reply to this one.

PS: Don't change the way you are writing!
What does that mean? Are you referring to this? 👇

I was purely saying, don't change the way your write just to get past AI detection.

I was purely saying, don't change the way your write just to get past AI detection.

Of course, I won’t do that because I am proud of my human writing and I will not stop using Grammarly because it improves the readability of your text and makes it feel good to the reader.

PS: You don’t even have to change your writing style to avoid AI detection. Just write childish English with grammatical mistakes and you are good to go. 😁

The pleasure is all mine I invited you 👍! I agree that technology has changed our lives or the way we live but when I think deeply, I feel without fire we would be living a greener and healthier life.

I appreciate the way you have presented this post as it gives a lot to think about.

It is for me to say thank you for the engagement.

I think that in the end, living in the circumstances we are living in today makes it difficult to place yourself in a world without fire and all that revolves around fire. Greener and healthier are therefore the last things on our minds and totally outweigh.
We got spoiled!

Haha, yep, to the point of no return! 👍

but one thing is sure; as long as there is oxygen, heat, and fuel, there will be fire.

100% correct. I think the Almighty that created things must have put in place all the things or elements that can cause fire to ignite like the sticking of stones, and so on.

Man discovered fire but didn't make fire.
Fire can destroy as well as save. We can use fire to prepare food and can also use it to burn trash. As men on earth, fire is very useful to us because I wonder what life could have been like without fire.

You have written so well about this topic. And thank you for the invite. I only have power outage. Trying to manage my battery but I will try my best. Success to you

The word fire appears 627 times in the Bible. No wonder God leaves a burning fire in our hearts to serve Him. (•ิ‿•ิ)

I can only wonder with you how the world would have looked without fire. It might have been greener and healthier but it would not have been an easy way of living. We got so spoiled! Just take your power outage as an example.

Thank you for your visit and your support!

Your blog post about the impact of fires in South Africa and the significance of fire in human development is eye-opening. The devastation caused by wildfires is a stark reminder of the delicate balance we must maintain with nature. Your explanation of how fire was discovered and its advantages and disadvantages is informative. Fire has undeniably played a crucial role in shaping human civilization, and it is essential to handle it responsibly for a safe environment. Your call for education, planning, and technological advancements to control fires is timely and crucial. Well-written and thought-provoking! good day

Well, thank you! Not only for reading my post but for leaving such a great comment. It is appreciate.
As with so many things in life, fire can spoil us, but it can also let us down. It is indeed a balancing act all the way.

A tip to the wrong side leaves a trail of devastation.

Saludos mi estimada amiga

Siempre disfruto leer sus post, porque tienen mucha historia y aprendo muchísimo de ello. Y lo agradezco.

El Fuego siempre estuvo presente en la naturaleza, y ha sido una de las grandes bendiciones que hemos recibido, porque como bien dices se ha convertido en algo casi que indispensable, y es cierto que podríamos decir que la tierra sin fuego, sería Aburrida y / o Hermosa todo depende desde el punto de vista que se le mire.

El Fuego es valioso y aunque es cierto que tienes muchas desventajas sobre todo cuando es Mal usado, creo que los beneficios son mayores.

Solo debemos educarnos para no hacer mal uso de él, y estar siempre bajo precaución con él porque así podríamos evitar incidentes peligrosos que pongan en riesgo nuestras vidas y la de otros.

Gracias a Dios el fuego no llego al pueblo donde está su casa.

Bendiciones amiga.

And as usual, it is wonderful to see your great comment on my post. Thank you!
When we were on vacation, we actually received two different calls. My mother called us to tell us that our home was hit by a hail storm, and then our friends called to tell us about the fire.

Is it not amazing?

Lucky for us, the hail damage was not too severe, and as you know, we escaped the fire.
This was all due to our Heavenly Father keeping us in His hands.

Thank you! Blessings right back at you!

First of all, thank you ma'am for inviting me to take part in this challenge. Indeed! anything too much invariably brings a curse;
and besides that humans should know the proper usage of each thing that mother nature provided us.

It is true, responsibilities starts and ends with us.
Thank your for the taking the time to engage with my post.
It is appreciated! 🎕

What a impressive article, no parallel
I salute your thoughts.
Outstanding explanation and very clear.
Wishing you a very best of luck

Thank you! Not only for the visit, the engagement but also for the beautiful comment.
It is always so nice when people appreciate the effort that you have put into your post.

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Thank you!

  ·  last year (edited)

What a catastrophe caused by fire that has occurred in South Africa. I hope something like that won't happen again.
In my country, Indonesia, the fire rate is still very high and I think it is due to fatal negligence. I also hope that good lessons on fire will be held more often everywhere to prevent bad things caused by fire.

Always interesting to read your posts. The good quality of your posts is inspiring to many people. Success always ma'am

Thanks for the visit and the great comment! It warms my heart when I read feedback like this.
We had two warnings on the news this evening. The first for severe snowfalls. People are warned to cancel any outside activities they have planned for the weekend. The second is a fire warning.
Is it not amazing that we can receive two such warnings in one country?
Mother Earth is turning into something bizarre, and we need to wake up.

It looks like things are not going well there. I think mother nature is giving a little warning. Take care of yourself and always be vigilant. I just hope things get back to normal there and I also hope you are always in good health.

Thank you for the kind wishes!
Good health to you also.

You answered all correctly about fire and how important fire is to us. Great post shared I am impressed by your post. Best wishes to you.

It is for me to say thank you for stopping by and to engage with my post. It is appreciated! 🎕

Sungguh benar, jika tidak ada api maka manusia sulit hidup. Karena manusia butuh kehangatan.

Sukses terus buatmu buk @patjewell

Awh Thank you for stopping by and for the engagement.
Success to you also, thank you! ☕

Amazing entry MMA I wish you the very best of luck in the challenge

Awh thank you! It is great to see a visit to my post from you.
It is appreciated.
A tip for you. Always try to make your comments 50+ words, as curators are constantly on the look out for good quality and relevant comments that they can upvote.
Good luck!

Alright MMA thanks for the heads up I will definitely put that into consideration next time

I know you can do it!
Here is one of my posts that can help you.

Alright MMA thanks a lot I have read through it and indeed I have learn a lot from it

Thanks once again I really appreciate it
